BTS: He babysits you

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(All of these take place when you're still a baby/toddler!)

RM: "Make sure she takes her medicine around, oh... 30-45 minutes after she eats." Your mother said to RM. "Alright, Mrs. _____! Thank you!" Your mom left. You awoke from your slumber to see RM holding you. You giggled at him. "Hi, little one! It's been a while! I haven't seen you in a couple of months, and I missed you very much." He said. He tickled your tummy, making you giggle more. "So, Y/N, what do you wanna do?" RM questioned. You only cooed. He smiled. "Wanna try to take another nap?" He asked. You nodded and yawned. He sat down on his bed, rocking you softly in his arms. You fell fast asleep. He sighed in relief. RM lied you down on the bed and pulled your blanket over you. He kissed your head and turned off the light. He left and closed the door slightly just in case you needed something. A little bit later, you started to cry. "Uh oh..." RM said. He went to you. "I'm here. What's wrong?" He asked. You reached for him. He picked you up and cradled you close. You pointed to your bag of baby stuff. "Oh! Do you want your bottle?" He asked. You nodded. "Okay." He gave you your bottle and watched you drink your milk. Halfway through drinking, you started fussing. "Oh oh oh, shh sh sh sh, what's wrong?" He asked, bouncing you softly. You cried. "Do you need to burp?" He asked. You nodded and continued crying. He held you to his shoulder and patted your back gently. You fussed and chewed your burp cloth. "It's okay, Y/N. It's okay." RM said softly. He moved his hand down to the bottom of your back and rubbed up to your shoulder blades and then back down, which calmed you. You burped and yawned. He kissed your cheek and cuddled you close to him. You chewed on your fingers and fell asleep. He put his feet up and relaxed, snuggling you.

Jimin: Jimin loves kids but doesn't know the least bit of taking care of one. He got worried when a mother asked him to babysit you. She reassured him by telling him you weren't much trouble. That was a lie. You were in your terrible twos. "She's in her what!?" Jimin yelled. "Her terrible twos, but she's not much trouble at all." Your mother said as soon as you started crying. Jimin worried about you. Your mother set you down, kissed your head and left. "Mommy!!!" You cried. Jimin knelt down in front of you. "H-hello, little one." He said softly to you. You looked at him, crying. He gave a warm, comforting smile. "I'm Jimin, your new babysitter. What's your name?" He asked. "Y-Y/N..." You said. "Y/N? Wow, what a beautiful name!" He replied. You nodded and cried. "M-Mommy..." You said. "Come here, little one." He said before picking you up, sitting on the couch, and placing you on his lap. You hugged your teddy bear and weeped. He wiped your eyes. "Mommy will pick you up soon, okay? After all, she promised she wouldn't be gone long!" Jimin assured, giving another comforting smile. You whimpered and sniffled. "Come on, let's get you something to eat." He picked you up and carried you to the kitchen. It was really big and everything was so fancy! He sat you in the highchair your mom set up. "What do you want to eat, Y/N? I'll make you anything you want!" He poked your nose softly. "Anything is fine!" You said. "Alright. Coming right up!" He got some ingredients from the fridge. "Do you like vegetables?" He asked. "Eww!" You said, sticking your tongue out. He chuckled. "Not to worry, Y/N! You're gonna like this!" Jimin reassured. He smiled and washed vegetables. He got out the cutting board. He chopped up some lettuce, tomatoes, and carrots. "What's your favorite color?" He asked. "Red!" You replied. He nodded and cut a little bit of a red bell pepper.He placed everything into a frying pan. "Would you like beef or chicken?" He asked. "Umm... Beef please!" You replied. He nodded and put some ground beef in the pan. It smelled delicious! You were drooling. The scent of fresh, washed vegetables filled the room. Jimin wiped your mouth and chuckled. He gave you a drink. "This is strawberry lemonade. Homemade! How do you like it?" He asked. "I love it!" You replied. He kissed your head and went back to cooking. He added some diced potatoes into the bundle of yummy food. He seasoned it lightly. "Hang in there, Y/N. It's almost ready!" He said. He checked to make sure there were no raw bits of beef. There weren't any. "Perfect." He tasted some. "Oh my goodness, that's delicious!!!" He said. He put some in a bowl. He gave you a plastic fork. "Try it." He said. You tried it. Your face lit up. "I love it!" You said. You continued eating and finished it all and drank your lemonade. He wiped your mouth. "That's a good girl!" He said. He picked you up. "Do you want to try and take a nap now that you have a belly full of food?" He tickled you. You giggled, nodded, and yawned. He lied you down on his bed and pulled the blanket over you. "Sleep well, kiddo." He said. He kissed your head and lied down with you. You snuggled into him. Your mother came back. "I'm home! Jimin? Y/N?" She called. She looked in Jimin's room and found you two fast asleep. She smiled. "Hi, sweetie. I have to go for a few days, so I packed a suitcase for you." She said to you, setting it down. She kissed your head and off she went. Jimin woke up. You woke up. You two looked at each other and smiled.

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