Time vs. Destiny.

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In a "utopian" society.. as they call it. Little do these people know that they are being controlled. It's not their choice to be born like others, neither it was mine to be born with a special ability along with other people.  

Most people are given a test to give them a sense of direction in life.. I had the test given to me but I came out as different. Although I wanted to be one of those guys who loved to do risky things and save people from troubles, I had to be apart of something called "The people who were selected." 

Being "selected" is a curse, yet a pleasure. 

The first pro about being selected is being able to see color. The blush on the other's faces, The tricky sky, and most of all the bright colors of the other's eyes. Another pro would have to be watching these people thinking that they are all equal and the same. There are some other pros but, these are the main ones that I can think of. 

with pros, it also comes with cons. 

Around the age of 13 years, I started to see something that was called a timer on other's wrist. Each timer had different times. It was really hard to accept at first but... those times on their wrist, was actually the amount of time they have left to live. Being with that, I have met people who are about to die which is pretty horific. 

Another con to this is that none of the people who are selected can never see their time nor can see other people's time that is selected. According to the city official's i'm forbidden to be in love. They say that feelings are a curse.. 

But in all honesty, i've been in "love" with someone beautiful named Shayla.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2014 ⏰

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