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I laughed at the the two gingers dancing, I still wonder to this day how we are friends. They are the biggest of goofballs." Victor I do, whether or whether not my heart beats for you!" I sang along, well at least I think I was. I have a feeling I sang it wrong, well I'm having fun so who cares? The Irish won tonight! It was an intense match too, it was  amazing. I only wished my dad were with me to see the game, he loves Quidditch. He told me stories of how he used to play it back when he was my age, though I was never really one for playing the sport. I did enjoy watching. If my father came with us he would probably get caught and be sent straight back to Azskaban. I don't want that to happen, I only just got him in my life. He is the only relative I have in my life and I don't want to loose him. The booms of fireworks shook me out of my thoughts. "Fireworks! Lets go see them!" I jumped up from the floor, grabbing my jacket. Fred and George get up to, dusting themselves off. "Sounds like the Irish's got their pride on" George said as he adjusted the Irish themed hat on his head. Arthur Weasley runs in, he was the twins father. A funny man he is, he loves muggle things so much. I think its a good hobby, it makes for an interesting conversation. 

I've always enjoyed being around the Weasleys, they make me feel like one of the family. "Its not the Irish, we have to go now!" What was going on? If it's not the Irish, then what is it? Arthur lead the way outside, it was utter chaos. Tents were on fire, people were screaming and running. Whats going on?! I hadn't even realised that I was running with the crowd. Like I was just apart of a chaotic herd of animals. It was only then that I had noticed the reason of all this chaos. Dark cloaked figures, walking in groups and causing destruction. People were dropping  down dead, the only thing I could hear was the screams. How could such a good day turn into a nightmare?!I need to find my friends. I need to know they are okay. I pushed my way through the crowd, but it became difficult." Get outa my way!" Was the last thing I heard before falling to the ground.. ugh... my head hurt... I think I hit something... Most likely a rock or dead body...Goodness, it better be a freaking rock. Before could pick myself up, something hit my head again and everything started to get blurry. The sound of screaming had started to fade into the darkness, and I blacked out...

I heard voices... They were calling my name? I struggled to get up but I managed to open my eyes a bit. From a distance, I could see five  figures. Although, everything was still blurry. I hope they are here to help, I don't think I can keep my eyes open any longer. "We found her!" a voice called out. I knew that voice, I know I do. Whoever it was, they were shifting me."Its okay your safe now" he said, my hearing was much clearer now. I could tell it was George who had picked me up. I will have to thank him when I wake up properly. This is a great start to the school year. Getting knocked into the head and fainting because of it. I snuggle into his chest, I just want this day to end. Could I just sleep for a month? Maybe two? George chuckles. "Comfy? I must be, what do you think Fred?" I hear another chuckle."I think so George" It went silent after that remark, the only sound was of their feet hitting the ground as they walked.


"Avery are you okay?" My tall friend asks." Yeah, just a bit dazed I guess" I continue to look through the window, the rolling hills and blue skies fading as it got darker." If your worried about what happened at Quidditch, don't be" His twin placed a hand on my shoulder, before returning to his sweets." It will only make it worse" George pats my back." Make what worse? The memories? The screaming? The.. the death" The only response I got was a hug." Its okay, it will be fine" I sigh. I guess they were right, if I worried then it could make things worse." At least your changed, would you mind if we did?" I hadn't even noticed they weren't in uniform yet." Go ahead, I will see you guys after. I'm gonna get a pumpkin pasty" I leave the compartment and begin my quest for the trolley lady. It actually didn't take long to find her. "Anything from the trolley dear?" She asks, with a small smile on her face. I always loved the trolley ladies." Yes, a pumpkin pasty please" She smiled, turning back to the sugar infested trolley." Here you go dear" she hands me my pasty before walking away." Thank you!" I made sure to knock before entering the compartment." Come in!" They say at once. "Why don't you look just amazing today?" I ask my reflection in the window." We are flattered Avery" Fred states proudly." Sorry boys, I was looking at my reflection" I laughed, damn right I looked amazing." Very funny Av" George gives me a playful glare." Oh please"


Feast, a place of food, but as always there is a speech by our headmaster. For once I'd like to go straight to the eating part. Was that so much to ask? All Dumbledore talked about is the Tri-wizard tournament and the two schools that are joining us. One of the guys from Durmstrang winked at me as he entered with his school, I returned with a glare. He frowned in disappointment and walked on. I never like their school, they seemed to dark and broody. Same with the other school, it was too girly. Dumbledore started talking about the tournament again... Food please! I'm hungry! It was only when I raised my head in boredom that I noticed the ceiling. It was acting strange... Like a storm was about to break out. This has never happened before, was it broken? Just as the storm started to get bad a red bolt of energy came out and Mad Eye entered the room?

"Mad eye?" I mumble. I thought he was working or something. He used to take care of me as a kid, strange as it is. We are good friends, maybe Dumbledore asked him to come?" Whats he drinking?"  I heard someone mutter." I don't think its pumpkin juice" I got to bored of listening and laid my head on my arm. The rest of the feast was fine, lots of food. It took them long enough to finally get the food out." Come on, lets get going" The twins start walking, I run up to them just as they reached the stairs."Your such nice friends, you know that?" They both smirk, they do not understand my short legs! They can walk swiftly with their height!" We try very hard to be good friends" We all laughed... They are really great friends. We even started school together. We had met on the train back in our first year, it is a very funny story actually, but I can save it for another time.

"Come on, lets just get to bed"

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