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No one noticed Fred and I at the back of the group. We didn't want to be noticed to much anyway, everyone was all worked up and some people were still shocked about last night. I stand on some rumble to get a better view of the situation, so far I see Harry's not dead! I mentally did a happy dance in my head as celebration. He and Voldemort were having the ultimate duel, while everyone else went back to fighting off the last death eaters. I went back inside and hid somewhere, like a sniper sort of thing. I shoot spells at the death eaters from my spot, I'm still injured so I didn't want to injure myself even more." Blood triatooor!" A voice sang, I look over by the door and see Bellatrix. I walk up behind and tap her shoulder, a small smirk on my face."This is for my father" I cast a spell which turns her into dust, that was for everything she did to ruin everyones life" I feel like weight has been lifted from my shoulders" I say as I collapse back on the ground, I'm to tired for this." Hey molly" I wave, she looked at me as if shes seen a ghost."You seem in shock" I smile jokingly." Wouldn't you if you see someone come back from the dead?" She helps me back up." I didn't die, I don't think so anyway" She pulls me into a hug, I could feel her tears staining my hoodie."Everyone thought you died" She let go of me, a smile on her face" Well I was only buried alive, I'm fine really" I lie, kinda jokingly really. I was covered in blood and my leg still had an open wound. She gave me a stern look." I'm gonna go sit somewhere, Ill see you later" I frown as I walk past all the people I knew some of them dead and some of them crying over them. I got the court yard, man this place needs a clean up. I sat on the ground and leaned against the wall. I stare the ring, what does this ring mean? Was it that thing George wanted to tell me at the wedding? Realisation hit me, He wanted to marry me! Oh I need to see him! But he thinks I'm dead, oh who cares.I was cut by my thoughts.

"Avery?" I look up to see the trio." Hey" I wave happily." I cant believe your alive!" I was pulled into a hug by the three." Yay more hugs, I seriously need a sign for this!"I say hugging them back, they laugh." Ron mum wants yo-" George noticed me, he froze." Hey, Georgie" I smile wider." Avery!" We share probably the best kiss we've ever had. He didn't let me leave his arms, I guess I'm stuck here now." I believe you need to ask me something, kind sir!" I say putting the ring in his hand. He blushes but put the ring on my finger."Will you Avery Black, be my wife?" He asks." Yes!" I hug him even tighter, which causes us to fall over. "We should head back" Ron says, chuckling a bit." Alright" George and I were way ahead of them, we were surprisingly fast." I talked to Fred a few hours ago" He chuckled." He said you saved his life" I nod my head, smiling. An idea just popped in my head." Hey, just an idea but if we ever have kids, we name him Fred, he kinda wanted that right?" We reach the castle." That sounds great" I look at myself." I need a shower" I groan, I need new clothes to." We all do" Ron calls from behind, making everyone laugh.I hadn't realised I was still limping." Do you need help walking?" He asks, with a worried expression." No I'll be fine" We made it to the castle "Promise me you wont try an get yourself killed... again?" I chuckle a little."I promise, besides I'm not that clumsy. Am I?" He laughs." Maybe"


Months had past since the battle and today was a very special day. I stood in my bedroom tying a small bow on my ferrets neck." I know you hate it, but your gonna have to deal with it" The creature scowled at me? Something like that. Well he has already run off, I can catch him later." Oh you look amazing!" Ginny giggled as she walked in,I look at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a long white strapless gown ,white lace fingerless gloves and a white ribbon around my waist. My hair was put up to one side while the rest just fell loose. I smile, Ginny was right." I do look pretty don't I?" My red lips formed a smirk." Lets get you down stairs" Ginny leads me to the tent outside. She looked pretty with her dark purple dress, I think it was the same dress from the last wedding. Maybe, I'm not sure. I see Harry was waiting outside, dressed in formal clothing." You ready?" he asks, a smile forming on his face." Ready as Ill ever be" The music starts playing as I walked towards George. The grass was covered in little flowers and petals, it was cute.


"I love you so much" I kiss Georges cheek."You missed" He stole my joke from a few years back. I kissed him a second time, on the lips." Better?" I asked jokingly."Much" We continue dancing happily." I have to tell you something" He starts." We have a house in London, not far from Diagon ally" He explains." We have a house?!" I do a little jump of joy, then continue dancing with George. I wonder what it looks like, and since Diagon ally is close that would mean work wasn't to far away!" Time for photos!" Molly brings out the camera and stops us from dancing. She instructs us to where we have to stand." Now smile"And everyone went back to dancing or chatting." Im going to get a drink, Ill see you in a minute" He nods."Hey Avery" Hermione greets, taking a sip of her drink." You look lovely" She wore a pink dress similar to the one she wore at the Yule Ball.. Did she wear it on purpose?" So do you" We both chuckle randomly as I get two drinks." Hermione!" Ron called from behind her." You better get back" I tease a little." So should you" She smirks." Alrighty" I walk back over to George, handing him one of the drinks." I got you one to" He happily takes a sip, before setting the drink on the table." I'm glad you said yes" he takes a sip of his drink."Why is that?" I ask him curiously." Because now we can spend the rest of our lives together" We share another kiss along with a bright flash blinding us."A perfect picture of the perfect couple" Ginny and Luna smile, a camera in Luna's hand." Can I have these photos after?" I ask the two.

"For my scrap book of course" I explain to them." You still have the book? I thought it would be full by now" Ginny sits down at a table and I join her." And I still have it, with many empty pages" She hands me the photos." Thank you" I put them in a small bag and put the it at my chair." Now would the groom and his bride like to take the first dance?" Harry walked over to us. All the lights were on us and music started playing. George and I started dancing. I rest my head on his chest. After this, I don't want to dance for a while, a long while."Your still short" he jokes." And your still tall" We laugh quietly. We danced like that for what seemed like hours and I have to say this was the most amazing day of my life." Thank you" I whisper." What for?" George asks, as we dance slower." For when we met on the train" I look up at him." Yeah, it was the best thing that had ever happened"


I run down the stairs skipping every two steps. I was in a good mood this morning" Good morning sunshine" I greet George happily." Good morning" He kisses my forehead." Your still amazed by the house aren't you?" He chuckles, sipping his coffee, or tea I don't know." Yes, its just amazing" We had our bedroom, two spare bedrooms, a bathroom, living room, kitchen and a small backyard." We're going to the shop today, are you ready?" He asks me, setting his mug on the table." Give me a sec" I run up stairs and change into some jeans and my grey sweater, then I run back downstairs. George takes us to Diagon all, the life that had drained away from this place had come back to life. It amazed me so much.Wizards and witches were rushing around everywhere, shopping and doing who knows what. We reached the workshop and opened it up. Kids came running in, like a giant wave or something like that." We are getting popular" I nudge his arm."You think?" He looks around happily." Im gonna see if anyone needs help" I began to search the store. I notice a young boy looking around." Need any help kiddo?" I ask. He looks up to me, with big brown eyes." I want to prank my big brother, but I don't know what to do" An idea popped in my head." Have you ever used balloons?" The boy nods." Well fill it with jelly and maybe some love potion or something that explodes" I think he got the idea because he smirked evilly before running off.

Oh I love seeing kids, it makes me smile. I always ended up helping a kid with pranks, or advice in general for pranksters.Kids, the thought of that kept me thinking of my silly husband. He was so child like, much like his brother who wasn't working today. maybe he was busy. But I love George to bits, no matter what.

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