First Day of school

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Welcome to Saint Joan of Arc High School, My name is Anna-Leia. I have been a student at this school for not even a year, I'm a freshman. "Hey! Leia! What was the English homework?" yelled my best friend Aries, That's not her real name I just call her that because it's her zodiac sign. " It was read page 30-40 in To Kill A Mockingbird, How did you forget?" I questioned her while walking past her to go to my locker, I had locker #960 right under Aries. " I texted you the work pages last night, did you not see it?" I ask her as Aries sat down on the brick seat next to the lockers, her wavy blonde hair moving slightly and sticking to her face. "I saw it but I left my book in my locker, which reminds me can you grab it for me?" She said while looking down at her phone, I let out a soft sigh and opened her locker easily since she stuck a pin in the lock so that she doesn't have to put her combo in. "Sooooo have you been talking to anyone lately?" Aries gave me a look that said 'do you have a new boyfriend yet?'. I sent her a sideways glance and handed the book to her. "No I do not, I'm still with Jack. Why are you even asking?" I questioned her while standing up and placing my hand on my hips. I moved to the side and swiftly closed Aries locker with a hip bump while lightly kicking mine shut. I let out another sigh and checked my phone, "11:10 pm" flashed in bright white text on my screen. " Hey, its almost 11:11 make a wish," I said jokingly while grabbing a $10 dollar bill. "Oh so now you believe in the 11:11?" said Aries as she grabbed her light blue wallet and stood up. Without another word, she and I walked to the cafeteria to get lunch.

"So, what are you getting?" asked Havana my second best friend, she had light brown skin with freckles sprinkling her cheeks, her reddish-brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her beat hung loosely around her neck. " I might just grab a pizza, the line for sliders is wayyyy to long," said Aries while giving Havana a large smile. " I'm going to grab a salad do anyone of you guys want one?" I ask and walked towards the salads. My black slightly heeled flats clicking softly on the light brown tile. My grey eyes scanned around the shelf looking for a chicken salad when I spotted one. I reached my pale hand to grab it when a swift light brown hand grabbed it. I looked at who grabbed it and it was Anna, she used to go to my old school we where best friends until she saw me hug her boyfriend and kiss his cheek, Her boyfriend is my brother. " You know I think you need to lay off the food." said Anna as she walked closer to me. " you don't need to eat so much, you're going to get fatter." She said before walking off, I let out a sigh and grabbed a sandwich. " whats her problem?" I heard Havana say from behind me. " I have no clue, let's just pay for our food and head to the lockers," I said to her as I continued to walk to the registers, I give the man the money for the sandwich. 'I don't even know what is in this' I thought to myself. I started walking to the exit when a tall body stepped in front of mine. "Where do you think you're going?" asked the person in front of me, I look up to be met with bright green eyes and shinnying blonde hair, It was Eren smith. The hottest and most popular boy at my school, he was born in Brittan so he has a slight accent which makes all the girls fall for him, even me! but I try to keep it hidden because I know Anna likes Eren and I don't want her to hate me more. "What do you need Eren?" I ask while pushing my black wide framed glasses back up my nose. " What I need from you is to help me." He said while moving the weight to his left foot, his voice seemed too odd and weird emotion in it and his green eyes seemed to focus on everything but me. "What do you need help with? Homework?" I asked while placing my left hand on my hip while looking at him straight in the eye. My grey eye soon started to wander down his body wondering what it looked like with no clothes on. "No, and what are you staring at?" He asked while look at me for the first time in this whole conversation. "Anyway, I need you to help me get Anna to stop liking me." I stared at him shock my eyes were wide as saucers. "Why?" I was able to say in my state of shock, his green eyes seemed to look soft and sad.

"Because I like another girl and I know Anna doesn't like you so maybe if I start dating you maybe she will stop liking me?" He said as if it was a question. I let out a loud laugh, which made the people at the table next to me look up. "That is the most flawed plan I have ever heard!" I laughed out, slight tears falling from my eyes. I sighed "If you want to get her to stop liking you just ignore her and if she still wants you, say you have a girlfriend." I told him and tried to walk past him, when is pale hand grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. "I don't have one, that's why I need you to be my fake girlfriend," he told me while pulling me to look right at him, is green eyes were shining from the light of the cafe. I started to get lost in them when I was snapped out of it by Aries. "Hey! get away from her!" yelled Aries while pulling me away from him. " I need to talk to here!" said Eren as he tried to grab me back. One arm was being held my Eren the other by Aries, It was a tug a war between the most popular guy in school and the strongest girl in school. My brown hair swished with my body as I was pulled from side to side. Yelling was going back and forth between the two. "Stop!" I yelled and yanked my arms away from the two, bending down to pick up my sandwich which had dropped during the fight. "Call me later Eren and Aries come on let's go each lunch," I said surprisingly calm and started walking out of the cafe to my locker with Aries and Havana following behind me as I opened the clear glass door. As soon as we mad it to the lockers Aries yelled: "What the hell! What were you doing with him!" see Eren is Aries ex-boyfriend, they had a nasty break up in July. Which was only a few months back, see Eren didn't want to date her anymore after she spent the night with a guy during her vacation in Denmark with her parents.

"Can we just put this behind us?" asked Havana while eating a piece of cheese pizza, "Why?" I ask while placing my food down on the bench, "What even happened? I was just talking to him about school." I took a small bite of the sandwich which was just ham. "He was so hitting on you!" yelled Aries while throwing her hands in the air. "We just broke up!" she let out a loud sigh and walked towards me. Aries is much taller than me so having her walking towards me while mad even when I'm sitting is very scary. "Calm down, I don't want anything to do with him." I said while the voice in my head kept saying 'liar'. "Look if I liked him I would tell you its the friend code," I told her while grabbing a drink from my bag, it was a Snapple, a strawberry kiwi one to be exact. "Mine!" yelled Havana as she grabbed the bottle from my hands. "hey! get your own!" I slightly yelled and reached out to grab it from her hand when a much paler hand grabbed the drink from Havana's hand. "Here you go miss," the owner of the pale hand said as they handed it back to me, I looked up the thank them when I noticed it was a very cute guy. He had curly brown hair that was pulled back by a band with Dark blue eyes that seemed to have a little green in them. He had a slim face with a big smile along with freckles dawning his cheeks and along with his nose. He looked to be fair tall maybe 6 feet tall at least, he seemed to have some muscle which I could see on his arms. "O-Oh thank you" I stuttered out and crushed slightly to myself for stuttering, I never stutter unless I'm around someone I don't know. "your welcome. Miss ..." He stopped when he realized that he didn't know my name. "Leia, Anna-Leia," I told him, that's when he chuckled "What a nice name! well nice to meet you Miss Anna-Leia! My name is Jackson!" He said while almost yelling I could tell he was a nice guy. I looked at my phone to see the bright letter shine 12:45. "Crap! class starts in 5 minutes" I said while gathering my stuff together. "Here let me help you," said James but I said no and told him he should head to his next class. He let out a soft chuckle and said "I don't have a class next, I'm on free block!" he told me as he and I got all my stuff into my bag. "Thank you again" I whispered and looked at him with a slight blush on my face turning my cheeks a brighter red than they already were. He smiled softly and kissed my cheek before standing up and walking away "Goodbye miss Anna-Leia!" "Goodbye James!" I said and started walking to my next class with a dorky smile on my face. What a day....

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