Chapter 20

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Jessica's POV
You know what it's like to be floating in darkness?That's what I've been doing for God knows how long.I wasn't scared.I didn't feel any pain.I just felt at peace.I just wondered when I was going to wake up.

Suddenly,my world of darkness began to turn white.I was in a garden filled with all different kinds of flowers.A stream of water flowed through the grass looking like crystal.

I was beyond confused.Then the most bizzar thing happened......adding on to where I am.A woman with black hair and blue eyes appeared out of nowhere."Hello darling."she said.

"Uh hi.I know this is weird but I have no clue who you are or what I'm doing here."I responded
"It's okay.I know you're confused but I'm the moon goddess also your mother."
"Wait hold up.They said you were dead.Oh my god! Am I dead?!"
"No you're not dead and I can't die,I'm a spirit.I wanted to see you."She approached me."All this time you took after your father except for his eyes."she commented.

"Yeah I guess."I shrugged."Okay I know you're confused so I'll start from the beginning."

Time loop(a/n I'm too lazy to write the rest of the details so y'all could imagine on your own)

Damien's POV
"Someone call the pack doctor!"I shouted in my alpha voice.How could I have done this to her.I hurt her....the one thing I never in my life wanted to do.'Im such an idiot'I thought.'No shit sherlock' Drake,my wolf,said.

The pack doctor arrived and began to check Jessica."How is she doc?"I asked."Well....she has a few broken ribs and some deep scratches....but nothing serious....her healing ability has begun to kick on so it wouldn't take her long to recover.About 2 days... she'll be good as new after that,but for now she needs to go to the infirmary."The doctor said.

I nodded."Take her to the infirmary."
'Dont worry Jessica....I'll make it up to you when you get up'I thought.

Updated....don't know what I just wrote..but here u are.hope u enjoyed.Also tmr is my bday...yay.

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