Untitled Part 1

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"Morning Dad" a quiet voice spoke as a young girl approached one of the many graves in the Cemetery, fresh in the morning with the dim light only just barely giving light onto the field to guide her way across the dew-slicked grass.

As the woman, familiar to people of the cemetery, found herself stood in front of the all-to familiar grave, a single Robin that had been sat atop the stone marking the grave, twitched his head at her, tilting it slightly before fluttering away quickly.

The girl sat herself down on her heels besides the grave she had been seeking out, placing a small bouquet of Roses and Tulips on the decorated memorial stone with a soft sigh. Though decorated, the stone was old and had a few cracks and moss growing on the engraved writing.

"I think we need to give you a make-over, Dad" she snickered quietly, sitting properly down besides the headstone, the dewy grass soaking her already black jeans.

"Sorry I haven't really been visiting much lately. Things have been quite busy, and it's early today because I don't want to get into an argument with Mother for coming here on my Birthday again. I don't think she really cares that much... Nor does my Brother" she sighs once more, leaning herself onto the stone.

"Good news is I'm still with Vad, you'd like her I'm sure. She's a lot like you in some ways, though she's not quite as overprotective as you were. Don't know what I've done to deserve her but she's there anyway, you would like her family too. They're just as big as nerds as you was, her Mum is funny too."

"Things at home aren't really going too well either... I still don't get along with Mother's partner, and Mum sticks with everything he does and says."

"I'm still on a solid friend count of zero, but... who cares about that, Vad defends me enough as it is, don't need friends, especially since the last few I told you about but I suppose there's not that long left at College. Just a little while and I wont see any of them again. And I might have to stop seeing Vad for a while... unless I disobey Mother and don't attend Uni..." the girl groaned, placing her head into her arms that were against the headstone. "Wish you were still here so I could have -something- to cry into without feeling like a moron"

"You know I don't understand some people... They must have some deprived lives at home if their only source of entertainment is to joke about you" she shrugs gently, dusting a bit of stray moss off of the headstone she was leaning on.

With the sun starting to rise further over head the chirping of birds started to get overshadowed by people starting on their business, the nearby church bell ringing to signal the start of a new hour and single droplets of rain pattered against the plastic of the bouquet of flowers that slowly slumped over against the headstone.

The girl raised her head with splattering of water marking her clear, pale face. She sighed, shaking her head and wiping the rain from her face but kept herself seated for the moment. "I suppose this meeting's going to be cut short for now..."

As she spoke, the same Robin from earlier fluttered it's way over the gravestone and hopped itself down onto the young woman's leg, tilting it's head.

Ell blinked at the bird's boldness, smiling and extending her finger towards the small being, her eyes slowly welling up to match the atmosphere of rain starting to pour more and more around her.

The Robin hopped itself to perch on Ell's extended finger, chirping briefly at the woman and jittering around as birds do. It's head twitching and it's tail flicking as rain bounced off of it's brown head and red chest.

Ell couldn't help but slowly break at the bird, her lower lip quivering slightly as her tears ran down her cheeks, joining the mess the rain had made. And after taking her phone to take a picture of it perching on her finger, the bird made it's escape, flying off into the distance and once more leaving the girl alone with her thoughts.

She gave a small, teary smile as she stood herself back up, giving a moment to look down at the grave. "Love you, Daddy..." she spoke in a quivering voice and placed a small kiss on two fingers before placing it to the cold and wet stone. "See you soon" and soon turned herself on her heels to head out of the Cemetery, her long blonde hair drenched as she left.

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