The Statue (Short Chapter) 1

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Hi my name's James, No Not James Bond or any of that nonsense, no that's not what this is about, This is about a dragon statue I gained on my seventeenth  birthday,
It all started a week after I gained the statue, my grandfather gave it to me for my seventeenth  birthday, it was an odd little statue, it was of a sort of furry looking Chinese sort of dragon. I'm not sure how to explain it..but it's kind of cute, and creepy at the same time. It was small about the length of my arm, in other words the size of your average pillow? It was wrapped around a tree sort of thing...Again, hard to explain.

I woke up to my little sister shrieking and jumping on me, I glared at her and tilted my head "What is it, alice?" I asked, still confused on why my five year old sister was shrieking in my ear..and guess what she said?

She shrieked again and clapped her hands, "My little pony! My little pony!" Right.. I had promised my little sister I'd watch 'The my little pony movie' with my sister today. I sighed and sat up.

I looked at her for a moment before heading to the bathroom to shower, but she stopped me and pulled my arm. "Nowww!!!" She whimpered, I sighed and looked at her. I guess I could wait to have a shower since the movie was on a dvd, but then again I could also shower now since it was on dvd..

I groaned and gave in, she ran out of my room and down the stairs. I followed her and sat on the couch, she had already set everything up, some soda's were on the side table, some boxes of candy, her favorite bungee chair, there wasn't any popcorn though since she couldn't reach the microwave. I chuckled a bit at the fact she had been so exited about this, I mean, what five year old sister wouldn't freak out over a kids show she loved? I honestly adored it.

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