Allen's Past

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Apollo had completely healed, and luckily bared no scars. Leo was at his side every second of everyday, his eyes ferocious that said: "Come closer and I'll slit your throat," but when he looked at me, all I saw was fierce gratitude. I suppose he's grateful for me standing up to Adam, our tyrant. His golden whip had been used multiple times since Apollo's punishment a month ago, by Adam and myself.

 I still could feel the heavy whip in my hand, as I gave ten lashes to my General. Guilt always gripped me when someone whispered his name. I sat at one of the tables with Leo and Apollo. No one was lively like they usually were, except for Adam's partner's which included Viper.

 I kept a hand on my sword at all times, it was encouraged that we fight all the time. Adam said it was to keep us on our toes, but he really just enjoyed watching everyone fight each other. I hadn't fought anyone yet, but Viper kept watching me like a snake about to strike. 

Apollo was whispering to Leo in a hushed voice, I laid my head on the wooden table. I was half-asleep when I heard soft footfalls of someone approaching quickly, I unsheathed my sword without looking behind me, and pointed it at my assailant. "Do not fight me, Viper."

He snickered, "But where's the fun in that?" I got up from my seat and faced him, he charged at me, and I side-stepped. I swung my sword and he parried. He jumped away, landing on a table and stepping into someone's food, I jumped after him and he jabbed at me. I parried with ease and punched him square in the jaw. Viper hissed, and swung his sword, I blocked it, but it narrowly cut my shoulder. I clicked my tongue in annoyance. 

I swung my sword in a large arch and he pulled back, I kicked him in the chest, and he landed on his back. "Don't challenge me, you dolt." I pointed the point of my sword at his throat, "I don't have time for you!" He grunted and got up, and left. Today was one of Adam's test days, the only day I got to see Kanda, I grinned at the golden prison cell key I had swiped from Viper mere seconds ago. I would free him, I was due to serve him food today.

 I grabbed a bowl of food and walked away from the tables. I slipped the key into the food and made sure it was fully disguised. I walked over to the wooden building and guards where posted at the door, they nodded at me and I smiled. I stood in front of Kanda's cell, he was cleaner, and fully healed now. He looked much better than the last time I saw him. His hair was down, long and beautiful.

I slipped the bowl of food to him, and his eyes locked with mine. Instead of looking away shamefully, I moved closer. "Be very careful when eating, who knows what they put in your food," I gave him a meaningful look. His eyes didn't light up with understanding, they stayed blank. "It'll be useful at the testing day," I left the room and hurried back to Leo and Apollo. They were smiling at each other when I sat down. "Aren't you two adorable?" I said with a kind smile, we were the only ones speaking. Leo blushed a bright red and scoffed. "We are not!" I rolled my eyes and raised my eyebrows at Apollo, who nudged Leo playfully.


I have been in this cell for a month. All I did was pace around, and wait. I had no idea when Adam would let me out, probably never if he got his way. The only thing I looked forward to was his test days, where he would "rub it in" that his training was effective, and my soldiers had only become strong under his training, not mine. I never paid attention to him. I only looked at one person. 

The teen with the white hair, a red scar, and that beautiful arm of his that was made out of innocence. Oh Gods, he was the prettiest man I'd ever laid eyes on. On Drafting Day I couldn't believe his village. All the things they shouted at him as he walked to the stage. I saw the change in his emotions, it was like he put a mask on, it went from terrified that he'd been chosen, to cold and angry. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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