Non-Canon Bonus Tide-You-Over Stories

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As I am writing chapter 11, I have removed many ideas from the chapter, and put them here, where I expanded on them. However, these conflict with my plans for the series, so I will never be able to add them to any chapter. I was planning on releasing this at the end of the story, but I have decided to release it now, so that I don't release nothing for so long.

Just to make absolutely clear, none of the is canon.

Not canon.

This is not canon.

I repeat, this ISN'T a part of the story.

This isn't canon.

All line breaks will be replaced with me saying not canon.

NOT CANON story 1: "He's alive! HE'S ALIVE!" or 'in which Liliana becomes a mad scientist but with magic'

"Percy... no... no no no... Percy no die! No! Percy no die! No die! No!" Liliana was sobbing as she hit Zoe with her weak fists.

"I am sorry, Liliana. He was a... a good man."

"No tell good! Percy no tell no! No die! No no no!" Liliana refused to accept Percy's death.

The Titans were defeated thanks to Thalia sacrificing the Ophiotaurus, and the world safe, for now. Everything was going good.

But Percy was gone.

Lily's big brother, the first one who could understand her, her lifeline... he was her everything. He couldn't be gone.

"I am not lying. I am so sorry, young one. Perseus is truly gone. He sacrificed himself so Thalia might live to save Olympus, save thee."

"Percy..." Liliana could do nothing but cry in Zoe's arms.

After a while, Zoe spoke.

"Before he sent us away, he said something rather odd to myself. Perhaps he similarly confided something in thee? He told me... He said..."

After she fought away the blush, she continued, "He told me he was glad I wasn't going to die this time. Dost thee know wherefor he hath said this?"

"Old..." Liliana managed to sniffle. "Percy old no tell."

"Hmm... He seemed older than he was, and told thee to keep it secret. If he truly was older, it might be due to him somehow traveling to our present, his past."

Liliana thought hard.

"Percy magic," she pointed out.

"That was odd. I hath never heard of a male able to use magic. It has never happened before, as far as I know."



"Mysteries Mysteries."



Zoe left to discover what the daughter of Hecate was talking about.

Eventually, she came to know of the Seven Mysteries of Percy Jackson, and things started to make more sense.

"He knew things about others they had never confided in anyone, and was more skilled than anyone they knew. And I saw in his eyes also, a look of pain. He had seen death. If he was from a different world, it makes sense. He knew what others had told him in the future, but it seemed he could read minds and memories."

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