Chapter 4

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"So..." The female began, looking around nervously. "You can pick up their scent, cant you? Track their footprints?" She whispered loudly to the Idiot making me chuckle quietly.

"I was with the Navy, not the Navajo" Owen returned, his tone showing he was annoyed by her.

"So then what should we do? What do you suggest we do?" She questioned quickly. You could tell she was extremely worried about the pair that had jumped the cliff edge not long ago.

"You get back. I'll find them" Owen informed her not realising that he panick was making her think too irrationally.

"No, we'll find them" She argued pointedly, motioning her hand between them both.

"You'll last two minutes in there" Owen stated with a low growl. "Less, in those ridiculous shoes" He added trying to convince her to go back to safety.

I watched the lady as she then unbuttoned her shirt and tied it, her singlet still covering her, whilst also pulling her sleeves up and standing at the ready. You could easily tell she was signalling her eagerness in continuing their search.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Owen asked, his voice slightly higher as he looked at her confused.

"It means I'm ready to go" She answered like it was obvious, which it awas to everyone but the Idiot.

"Okay" He spoke, leaving that topic behind. "Let's get one thing straight. I'm in charge out here. You do everything I say, exactly as I say it"

"Excuse me?" The orange-haired female questioned about ready to argue with him.

"Just relax" He breathed. "It's just like taking a stroll through the woods" He stated before slinging his gun from his shoulder to his hands where he held it.

"65 million years ago" He pointed out before moving to the side to allow for the female to move past him.

I then perked up when he looked down at the massive Indominus-Rex footprint before he looked past it and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Moon? What's he doing out?" I heard him mutter causing the female to look back over at him.

"Who's Moon?" She asked confused walking back to his side and looking at the much smaller footprint of mine.

"He's one of the Velociraptor's that I look after" Owen answered her making her nod before she turned back to him.

"How'd you know it was his and not one of the others?" She questioned him making him huff.

"See how the right foot is missing the middle talon mark?" He asked her, crouching beside the corresponding footprint and pointing at the middle 'Toe'.

"Yeah. What about it?" She returned, moving closer as I slowly got to my feet.

"He lost the talon in a fight against the girls a while back. He wouldn't let us touch his foot for ages after that" He laughed before cursing loudly as I came through the bushes slowly.

"I still don't let you touch my foot, you walking meat-stick" I growled before chuckling at his and the female's scared expressions.

"Oh my god, it's going to eat us" The female said terrified, her eyes blown wide in fear, making me laugh before I rolled onto the ground.

"Don't be silly" Owen told her, crouching and trying to pat my snout making me snap at his hand. Pulling his hand away from my reach quickly before he stood to his feet again. "Moon, meet Claire. Be nice and don't even think about biting her" He told me pointedly making me grin at the pair.

"Wouldn't dream of hurting your female" I snickered, watching him glare at me as I realised I was poking fun at him despite him not knowing exactly what I had just said.

"Stop being annoying" He ordered me making me growl at him and watching with satisfaction as he jumped and moved away from me.

"Um...Moon, was it? We need your help" 'Claire' said bringing my attention to her as she crouched down near my head.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." I heard Owen mumble making me growl low at him before turning back to the female.

"My nephews...their out there, in danger. W-Would you be able to find them and bring them to us? Please?" She asked me making me look at her before realising that the pair of young males that had jumped were related to her.

'Definitely too young to be out here with that thing roaming around if they haven't left their den' I told myself, a new determination filling my purple eyes as I got to my feet.

"Trust me, Claire. I'll bring them to you" I informed her with a low gentle growl before I licked her face from her chin to her orange hair.

My reason not only being to piss Owen off, which definitely worked as his mouth dropped open and his eyes went wide with anger, but to mask most of her humanly scent that the Indominus-Rex would use to follow them.

I could tell Owen had already thought of that as I could smell mainly fuel on him noticing that he must of already encountered the thing before I had.

Before Owen could begin to reprimand me I pushed him over with my head before taking off into the bush, following the young males scent I had picked up.

'These males are going to freak out if I just show up out of nowhere' I muttered internally before realising what I had to do.

When the scientist were improving my biology, they had added many strands of other animals DNA. The largest strand being human. "A wonderful experiment and breach in science" I remember the head scientist stating when I came into the lab once for testing.

Tree frog and Cuttlefish genes also being added to improve my rate of growth and adaption to the climate around me. The female raptors didn't get the same gene additions as I did because they wanted to see what would happen if they weren't added.

These gene strands give me my white color, much like the Indominus-Rex, but it also gave me my abilities to hide from thermal, camouflage and last but not least, turn into a human for a period of time.

I still retained all my visual features, behavioural manners as well as my strengthened senses my Velociraptor form has.

No one knew about my ability to turn into a human and that was how I was going to keep it and escape but desperate time call for desperate measures.

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