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The darkness they find repulsive and scary the place that monsters hide

Yet they are so blind they do not see the truth in darkness

The truth about us monsters are real and they live within our darkness filled hearts

Before life there is darkness

After life there is darkness

We can't avoid it;it is inevitable

Yet we live in it

Darkness represents life's truths and how horrible it is

Light and hope is all a lie,life can never be perfect

No matter how hard you try

We're just chess pieces on a chess board

Playing gods cruel game

Sacrificing us

Making our lives miserable as he wishes

The real devil is god

He just pretends to be good

To be caring

To be kind

Making us worship him

But in fact,he is just waiting for the right moment to strike

There is no Hell

There is no Heaven

Hell is Heaven

and Heaven is Hell

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2018 ⏰

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