Chapter 19

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"It there a problem?" Gael asked his promised, silently watching as the crown prince paced from one side of the room to the other. From the moment the submissive had entered Nathanael's chamber, with the intention of expressing his thanks for his aid the night before, the crowned prince had been pondering silently to himself. All but ignoring Gael's existence.

As it happens, Nathanael turned and stared over at his beloved with a look of surprise. Shocked by his presence. Gael took a sip of his tea, an attempting to hide his amused smile. "Perhaps I can aid you" He suggested. Watching quietly as his promised came to a decision.

It was interesting to see the usual calm and organize prince in distress. The way his brow was creased, the way his fingers played with the pendant on his chest and the faraway look in his gaze. These were all action that was new to Gael. It was almost calming to see Nathanael behaving so...

"We need an inside man to ensure the success of our plan" The crown prince of flame informed his beloved as he made his way to the table and lower himself unto the available chair.

Gael placed down his tea and stood to serve Nathanael's. Emerald eyes watched him work.

"Will the queen not be enough?"Gael questioned as he met his promised's distracting gaze.

"For this to work," Nathanael commenced, accepting the tea as it was offered. "We need your brother's cooperation"

Gael stiffened at the reveal but hopefully relaxed his posture before Nathanael could realize his discomfort.

"Victor?" He asked for certainty as he regains his seat. To his horror, Nathanael nods.

"He has many weaknesses, but none I can exploit to my advantage." He says with a sigh. Gael remained quiet in his seat, regretting his offered aid upon Nathanael's next words.

"You may be able to speak to him" He was asked.

The crown prince of the kingdom of flame knew for certain that Victor would not heed a single word from his lips. In the futur king of earth kingdom's mind, Nathanael was the enemy. And though the man in question could not justly claim them to be allies. He did not view Victor as an opponent. Opponents were challenging. Victor was a prince without the drive to be king. What challenge does he possess?

But to the crown prince of earth, they were enemies, and enemies were viewed to have forked tongues. However, Nathanael had seen the way Victor had attempted to aid Gael the evening past. Heard a fraction of the pleads he gave his father. Despite their relations, Gael was not the enemy in Victor's eyes. And though Nathanael could not confidently place a title on what his beloved was in the eyes the crown prince of earth. They were pressed for time and no choice other than to trust in Gael's persuasion. Nathanael had faith in his beloved's success.

"I must tell you something" Gael voiced, drawing his promised from his thoughts.

A few days pasts since he'd been given Victor's proposal and since he had sent his letter.

The bloodletter was here, the uprising was armed at the ready and he was plotting his father's death. In the light of recent events, he could no longer wait for a reply that may or may never arrive. Nor can he continue to keep the situation from Nathanael's knowledge.

"Victor summoned me the evening after my father-" He began just as a knock came to the door and his caretaker step in followed by a small boy.

"My lords" They both greeted. And with a nudge from the young caretaker, the boy crossed the room and presented Gael with a letter.

"Thank you" The submissive voiced, waiting until they were once again left alone before opening and reading his correspondence.

His eyes wide as he made sense of the letter. Unable to believe the words written before his eyes, his jaw fell open as he stared at it for a moment. Disbelieving the information he had received, Gael read through it a second time. His reaction much the same as the first.

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