The Beggining

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The "Snack Pack" is surrounded, Trolls everywhere... blood all over the ground... glitter scattered all over the place... Poppy looks at the trolls around her, they have red blood drawn eyes and glitter foaming out of they're mouths like rabies. They move forward slowly yet they're movements are rapid and smooth, almost as though they're dancing... ;)

Another normal day in Troll Village, Smidge was lifting her weights, Branch was hanging out with Gary, Biggie with Mr.Dinkles, and Poppy, Guy Diamond, Satin and Shaneel, and Cooper were all  scrapbooking. A pop up party pops up on the other side of Troll Village and everyone starts enjoying it. Dancing, singing, eating, everything is great! "This punch is so good! Everyone come try it!" Aspen screams out hysterically. All the trolls at the party start hovering over the punch, chugging it down... almost instantly they all begin to gag, shooting glittery foam out of their mouths. And they start to dance... but in a menacing way... like they can't control what they're doing.... they all start to sing in sink and slowly get louder and louder... "All together you and me, hair in the air we're a family" they're voices slowly start to get lower and lower.

On the other side of town where the snack was hanging out Branch puts Gary down a stands up. "Do you guys hear that?!", he asks his friends frantically in a concerned voice. "Relax Branch" Cooper says,
"Yeah just chill" replies Guy Diamond. Suddenly Poppy chimes in "Maybe we should get moving guys" she says slightly shivering.
Branch stops freaking out. "What? You... you agree with me?" He says squinting his eyes "You always tell me I'm crazy and freaking out over nothing" Suddenly Aspen shows up dancing slowly.... his voice low and grating... "Harmony is everywhere put your hair up in the air" he sings in his spooky voice. The snack pack all look at each other... not knowing what what to do... THEY RAN!

Thx for reading, I really hope you all liked this, the next chapter will be out soon and I promise it'll be longer, please recommend this to your friends... to be continued... Dun! Dun! Dunn!

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