chapter 56

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I climb back into bed and suddenly Shannon moves away. Me" Sorry......didn't mean to wake you up ". S" leave me alone ".  Me" what did I do? ".    Shannon grabbed his phone and showed it to me. The message across the screen read " your wife is carrying my child ".     I felt my heart being ripped in half.   How could he do this too me?   And why?  Me" I'm sorry baby ".  S" why? ".    Me" I love you ".  S" you don't ".   I felt tears falling from my eyes.  I came over to him and kissed his neck and he pushed me away. I never felt pain so bad . I let it go for now and cried myself to sleep. Suddenly I got pissed off ! I was gonna fuckin let Jared have it!  I banged on the door and as soon as it opened,  I let my fist say hello to his face and I said " fuck you for that shit ".  He held his face and then became enraged and shoved me to the ground hard and said " fuckin whore! ". And slammed the door on me. I suddenly felt sharp pain in my side.  Oh god it hurt.  I cried and yelled out for Shannon.  He woke up and came out of the door.  S" oh shit what happned?".   I couldn't talk anymore from crying so hard. S" I got you baby...... I'm here ".  

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