Dean - 2 (Smut)

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//WARNING: cursing and smut. So all of that fun stuff. But I don't write naked smut, so they will only have boxers left. This is my first time writing smut so it's horrible. I'm always open for suggestions on how to improve//


You walked to the motel, where you already had a room ready. Dean followed you in silence, the only sounds being your breathing and the sound of your footsteps.

Every time you glanced behind you at Dean, he instantly locked eyes with you and you could see the loss in his eyes as you looked back forward. He barely kept himself from whimpering.

When you finally reached the motel, and were standing before your motel room's door you slipped the key inside the lock and unlocked it in one swift motion. You could hear as Dean swallowed loudly and shifted the weight from one leg to another, inpatient.

You pushed the door open and stepped inside, closing and locking it once again when Dean was by your side. As you placed the key on the table and turned around you were met with Dean, standing at the other end of the room. His full focus was on you as he stood and waited.

You looked him up and down, making him shift slightly in his place. As you started taking steps toward him, he took steps back and was soon pressed against the wall, your chests almost touching. His breath hitched as he looked at you.

He could barely keep his hands to himself as he fisted and released them, itching to touch you as his fingers twitched. You leaned in, your body pressed against his and he instinctively held your hips.

Your faces were close enough you could feal eachother's breath. Yours was steady as Dean's started to quicken with each passing moment. You put a finger to his lips and shushed him, effectively leveling his breathing.

Brushing the finger over his bottom lip and trailing it along his sharp jaw you felt him shiver slightly. You removed his hands from your hips and started removing the jacket off his shoulders, unbuttoning the flannel after. You peeled it off him, leaving him in only his T-shirt.

As you started pulling the shirt over his head you made sure your fingers brushed over his muscled chest, making him gasp gently and shiver under the touch.

You threw the piece of clothing on the floor like the rest and looked back the now shirtless Dean. Your hands reached forward, cupping his neck and shoulders. You started rubbing them roughly, heating the skin and making him groans slightly.

When you found fit you attached your lips to the warm skin of his neck, carefully sucking a fresh mark, causing Dean to groan again.

After adding a few more morks ftom his jaw to his shoulder you pulled off your jacket and then your shirt. Dean's eyes glanced from yours to your body, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat as he swallowed.

Now- the fun begins.

You pushed Dean back against the wall, getting a grunt out of him. His lips parted as you trailed your hands up his body with a following shiver, his breathing picking up pace.

You leaned in into a heated kiss, your hips grinding Dean against the wall as he moaned into your mouth. Grabbing his hands and placing them back on your hips you grinded harder, moans coming from both of you as your kiss parted.

He groaned lowly as you rolled your hips into his, pressing him against the wall harder. Your hands slipped in his hair and you tugged his head back by it as he got prestreated and tried to mark your neck, causing him to growl.

It took only one direct look from you to get him back under control and shut him up, his growl turning into a submissive whimper.

"I'm the Alpha now." You growled and tightened your grip on his hair. He whimpered again, understanding his place.

You kissed him again, chewing his bottom lip harshly, earning a groan from Dean as he hesitantly leaned closer, not sure if you'll allow it.

You pulled him to the bed and threw him on it. He kicked off his shoes and socks when you started doing the same with yours.

You slowly climbed over his sweaty form and pushed him back against the matress as you straddled his hips and grinded into him with full force, making you both groan.

You unbuckled his belt and pulled down his jeans, leaving him in his boxers. You grinded into his exposed tent with your rougher jeans, making him groan even harder.

You decided to pull down your own jeans, now both of you almost naked. He tried to hold your waist again, but you pinned his hands down above his head, earning a pained whine that was replaced with a moan the moment you started thrusting.

Soon the only sound in the room was the loud moaning and groaning coming from the both of you, acompanied by the squeaks of the old motel bed.

You could feel it coming and you knew so could he, as you both came to an end and released. You sank in the not so comfortable bed next to Dean.

You both lay there as you tried to catch your breath, panting loudly. The moment was broken by Dean's whimper. You looked to the side at him.

He was fisting the sheets and squirming slightly, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to catch his breath. You reached out and turned his head, capturing his lips in a less lustfull kiss.

He eventually kissed back and calmed down, hesitantly holding yoyr side and scooting closer, your legs tangling together.

The kiss turned more loving and you pulled away, Dean leaning back in as you did so. You put a hand on his chest, stoping him in place.

"I'm sorry..." You whispered as you looked at him, earning a slightly confused look from Dean. "As much as I would love to, I can't stay with you. I can't ever have a happy and healthy relationship..."

You continued to explain, not sure why. It was the first time you had talked to one of your 'victims' like this. "Things like me can't love happily. We're made to hunt our pray. It's all we can do. It's what we have to do to survive..."

You sigh again. "You won't remember this anyway...I guess it's like I didn't tell you anything at all."

You leaned close and whispered in his ear. You could see his eyelids started to droop as his blinking became more rapid. He was trying to fight it, but it'll soon be over.

You got out of bed and put your clothes back on. By the time you finished Dean's eyes were barely open as he tried to hold onto conciousness.

You took one last look at him. He was different, you could tell. He will make someone happy, one day...

You stepped to his side and leaned down, pressing a kiss to his temple. It was all it took for his eyelids to shut close. You walked to the door and opened it, closing it after you stepped out and just stood there.

You were there for a bit as you promised to yourself. You promised to never come back to him.

And that's a promise you kept.

//Sorry it took a while to get this chapter out, but I hope you like the end result. Also, there is a chance you might get another Dean chapter that will, I hope, wrap up the story//

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