Chapter 3: Feelings and Surprises.

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-Anna's POV-

It's been a few day's since I heard Harry say that. I can't help but feel the same way. I finish up in the shower and get out. I walk to my room but I hear Harry and Lou talkiing, I think about that morning. "Louis, I told you. She had a nightmare. I was holding her to calm her down, I didn't do anything!" Harry yelled kinda, he was telling the truth.

"Hard to believe that Harry. I know you, the whole bloody band knows how you are!" Louis yelled back. "You are not aloud by Anna by yourself. You must have someone with you." Louis finished, starting to walk out of the room. I run up to my room and shut the door. Louis is to over protective. I get dress and walk back downstairs, Harry was in the living room. Alone. I take my chance to talk to him."Hey Hazza!" I say, smiling.

"Hi, I should go." He said, starting to get up. I grab his arm and force him to sit down next to me.

"Where do you have to go?" I question.

"Nowhere, Louis said I have to have someone with me when I'm by you." Harry said, I nod.

"He is just being protective. He needs to learn I can care for myself sometimes. I'm not 5." I said, letting go of Harry's arm, seeing him move away. "By the way, I am beautiful, thanks for noticing." I see his face turn red.

"You heard that. I thought you were sleeping." Harry said, surprised.

"Yeah, well I feel the same. You should've told me sooner. Harry, you are the first person I have ever liked. Sorry. Didn't mean to make this awkward, but I had to tell you." I said, getting up. I was scared to stay and see what he say's. But to my surprise Harry grabs my arm and pull's me into his lap.

"You take forever to admit things." He laughed, putting his arms around my waist as Louis comes in to the room.

"What's going on! Harry what did I tell you!" Louis demaned.

"Louis, calm down. I was the one who made him stay. I had to talk to him. So if your mad, be mad at me." I said.

"Anna, what you have to tell him?" Lou asked, calmly.

"That I love him. I heard him say that he loved me the night I had a nightmare. I had to get it out and in the open." I said, feeling Harry place his hand on my knee. I stair at Louis, waitting for him to yell.

"You love Harry. Thought so, I could tell by the way you would get around him. You should've told me, Anna." Louis said, surprising us both.

"Your not mad?' I questioned.

"No, I can't be if your happy." Louis said. "Besides, I kinda have other things to be mad at. You mom found our house." I heard Louis say.

"Wwhenn?" I said, starting to shake.

When you were with El and Dani yesterday. She came by. She is in town. She wants to take you back to the states. She won't touch or see you if I can help it." Louis said, now holding me. We hear a knock on the door. I stop breathing.

"I'll get it." Harry said, getting up. I grab on to Louis, scared. Then we hear Harry yell. "GO AWAY!" I run up to my room and Louis follows.

"She won't touch you. I won't let her." Louis repeat's. I can't help but jump when Harry open's the door..

"She's gone. She was back for Anna. She can't take her Louis. I won't let her. I don't care if I die trying." Harry said. They look at each, and I stay there, in Louis's arm untill I fall asleep.


I wake up and it's dark. I heard people talking downstairs, it sounds like the boy's and Lou.

"She is not-" Liam was cut off by Zayn.

"Why know? It's been 5 months."

"I don't know. She came by today and Anna was here. Has Anna got any calls or text from anyone over there?" Louis asked.

'Kate.' I thought.

"Yeah. I have. Kate, called me the day I had the interview." I said walking downstairs. "I thought she was calling to talk. Then she like hung up 5 minutes after she called. I didn't think anything of it." Louis looks at me and then back at the boy's.

"Liam, call Uncle Si. I guess Anna, Harry, and I are going into hiding." Louis said.

"HARRY!" Liam, Niall, and Zayn all yell.

"Yeah, he is scared to leave her alone." Louis said, pointing to me.

"Why?" Niall asked.

"Becausewearedating!" I said really fast. Feeling Harry's arm wrap around my waist.

"Your dating! Louis I thou-" Liam got cut off, again.

"I know what I said, but things changed." Louis said, and lefted them room. I feel 3 set's of eyes rest on me.

"What? Not my fault. It was the curls." I said, trying to make them laugh, playing with his hair.

"Yeah, sure." Niall said, leaveing the room. Liam and Zayn follow.

"It was, and your eyes and smile and everything!" I countinued, Harry laughing. It worked on one.

I follow them out and see that the news is on. "Anna Tomlinson. Is she faking and lying for fame or is she true? More up nexted."

"Wow. Can't I live a happy normal life?" I asked.

"Normal? Your far from normal." Zayn said, laughing.

"Nope, not everyones life is happy." Niall commented, got up and lefted. We sat in silence the rest of the night.


A/N: Hi monkeys! Sorry it has been forever since I updated. I have a new idea for a story... Want to know my idea? Comment! Vote! Xxx AnnaMae

My Crazy Life. *1D/ Harry Styles FanFic* (May Change to Niall!!)Where stories live. Discover now