Chapter 15 Nathan Adrian tells Me stories.

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The cadence of those few days without Lochte was somewhat bearable. If it weren't for the pubs and the whiskey and the Shirleys and the vanilla custard. And plus... I knew he was better off without me.

No distractions... no nothing.

I sighed and walked over to the fashion studio. Today was One Direction's photo shoot with my new designs.

"Smile boys," I said, forcing myself to be happy.

And they smiled. Just for me. And all the other girls out there.

"Louis look over here. Zayn more attitude. Strut, Niall. Niall, LOVE IT!"

The boys smiled at the camera and did a few jumping for the shots. I watched as the flashbulbs clicked and I jumped as my phone buzzed in my pocket.

It was Ryan.

I ran outside and answered it.

"Hello?" I asked breathlessly.

"Hello?" It was another boy. I was confused.

"Hello? Who's this?" I asked.

"Uh... yeah, this may be kinda awkward, and I understand if you probably don't know me.. umm... I'm Nathan Adrian... U.S.A. swimmer? ha ha?"

"Sorry," I sighed. "Never heard of you."

I heard him laugh in the background. "Heh heh, it's perfectly alright. Um.. I'm a freestyler and I swim the medley with Phelps. Anyway, I just wanted to say that... well.. Phelps hasn't been doin' okay. He's caught up in his depression and his ADHD, and Lochte isn't doing too well either."

My heart skipped a beat. "Oh," I said. "Really?"

"Really... and Michael decided he wanted to retire after his last race."

"Oh my goodness, really?" I was devasted. How could Phelps just give up his career like that?

"Yeah," Nathan Adrian said sadly on the other line. "Yeah, I know, and it's his last individual race in an hour. You might wanna be there for him... he's not taking it too easily."

I gulped. Me being there... braving the press, the paparazzi... even Lochte..

I thought about it. Then,

"I'll go," I said solemnly.

Nathan sighed in relief in the background, "Great," he said gently. "I'll be there to meet you up, alright? Oh... and Wendy?"

I paused. "..........yes?"

Adrian chuckled. "You're pretty brave."

I smiled. I guess I was.


I drove the familiar route and went to the front of the Aquatics Center.

Nathan Adrian was there. It wasn't Ryan Lochte.

Nathan waved hello at me and welcomed me with a warm smile.

"Hey Wendy!" he said excitedly.

"Hi," I smiled. He walked me into the Center.

"So you.. don't know me at all?" he asked again.

"Nope, I'm sorry, I got nothin'."

He smiled and then chuckled. "That's about fine. I'm not mainstream."

"I like hipsters," I said grinning. He blushed and ducked his head humbly.

"In here." I followed him to the pool. Michael was there with his head down in the sitting area.

"Hey," I greeted him. His head jolted and his face lit up like fireworks during the fourth of July.


Nathan smiled behind us.

"Hey," I said kneeling down beside him. "I heard you were... having problems."

"I guess I am," Phelps said, worriedly. "Wendy, I just wanna quit."

"You can't," I pleaded. "You're the best Olympian and swimmer of all time, you can't-"

"Wendy why does my decision bother you so much?" he asked.

I thought about it. Then I answered him. "Because I can't see you like this! The only reason people watch the Olympics is because of you!"

He seemed to ponder at this thought.

"You don't know me, Wendy," he sighed and put his head down.

"Michael," Nathan said sympathetically. "Michael please..."

He looked at Adrian's young eyes.

"Look... I've made my decision.. and I'm sticking to it. I just wanna settle down."

Adrian nodded. "Alright."

And, reluctantly, I agreed with Phelps. I spent the next hour talking with him and Nathan, and we laughed with each other as he enjoyed himself for once. Finally, his time has come to perform his final individual race. And he dominated his best stroke, the fly, and he won.

And when he did, I was the first one up. And I was the first one to run to him and hug him and tell him how much of a champion he is and always will be.

And Michael hugged me back. And he told me I was the bestest friend anyone could ever have and if it weren't for me and his mom and his family, he would've swallowed those pills with booze regardless of the Olympic gold.

And I'm glad he didn't.

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