Werewolf in Chicago Chapter 1

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Rocky: Come on Ty we gotta go!
Ty: I'm coming hold on!
Ms.Blue: Where are you two going?
Rocky: We're going to the movies with Cece and Deuce.
Ty: We're going to see That Awkward Moment.
Ms.Blue: Oh well have fun.
Rocky: We will.
Ty: You ready?
Rocky: I've been ready for 5 minutes. Let's go.
Ty: Alright.

Rocky Blue and Ty Blue we're actually headed to the woods part of Chicago.

Rocky: Alright let's get this over with. You got the chains?
Ty: Yep. Which tree should we pick?
Rocky: Uh that one.

Rocky pointed to a big tree.

Ty: Alright. Are you sure you want to do this?
Rocky: If it keeps me from killing people.

Ty chained Rocky to the tree and just to be safe had a taser in his pocket just in case Rocky got out of the chains.

Ty: Done. You feel okay?
Rocky: Not really. What if I get out?
Ty: Don't worry I already thought of a plan for that.
Rocky: Okay now get out of here the moon is rising.

Ty kissed his little sister on the head and ran off. Rocky stood there chained to the tree waiting for the moon to show her true self. 35 minutes later Rocky started to feel pain. She looked up at the sky and saw the moon in full view with no clouds in front of it. The pain started to grow more and more. Rocky looked down at her hands and saw claws start to grow. She felt her canines growing and could feel her eyes change from a chocolate brown to a bright yellow. She started yelling out of pain and then she howled. Her strength grew and she broke free from the chains. Rocky now had sharp canines, claws, yellow eyes and sideburns. She truly looked monstrous. A couple miles away Ty heard the howl and his heart rate sped up which was part of his plan. Rocky could hear Ty's heart and she sped of in that direction. She started running on two feet but then got down on all fours and sped up. Rocky was close to Ty's location but out of nowhere an arrow came flying and hit Rocky in her right leg. She yelled in pain which caught Ty's attention. He stood up hiding behind a tree to see Rocky on the ground holding her leg with a arrow in it. Ty saw three figures coming closer to Rocky. The three figures stepped into the moonlight. It was three men one with a machete, one with a pistol and one with a long metal stick. Ty looked at the stick and saw the words " Property of Richard Parks" on it. Richard: Look what we got here fellas. A female beta. Rocky looked up to see Richard. Richard presses a button on the metal stick and electricity sparks. Ty remembers he has a smoke pellet in his pocket from when he and Deuce tried to play a prank on Rocky and Cece. He toke it out, pulled off the latch and through it. Immediately smoke filled the air and Richard and his men couldn't see a thing. Ty ran in and got Rocky, picked her up and ran away to a tree. He layed Rocky down and looked at her. Her claws and facial hair were gone but her canines and yellow eyes remained.

Rocky: Ty is that you?
Ty: Yeah it's me come on we gotta get to my truck.
Rocky: But my leg.

Ty took the arrow out of Rocky's leg and it started to heal.

Rocky: Oh right. Ty and Rocky got up and ran to Ty's car and got in.
The sped off going home. Once they were in their house Rocky layed on her couch and Ty sat in the chair.

Rocky: Who were those guys.
Ty: I don't know but all I know is that we can't practice in the woods anymore.

Rocky's eyes were back to normal and her canines shrunk back to there original size.

Rocky: Thanks for saving me.
Ty: Hey I'm your brother I have to protect you.

Ty and Rocky got into their PJ's and went to bed. So if you didn't realize it Rocky is a freakin werewolf. She's been like this ever since her dad left now only Ty and her know. Cece doesn't even know. Rocky didn't want to tell her because she thinks she'll get scared and run away so she keeps it between her and Ty. Ty has been helping her with her shifts but she keeps losing control even when it's not a full moon. She shifts whenever her pulse rises. In other words whenever she's extremely mad. Just last week she got a B on her history quiz and she almost tore Ty's head off. But anyway back to the story. Rocky woke up with the sun shining in her face. She got up, washed her face, brushed her teeth, took a shower and got dressed for school. She wore a purple and blue plaid shirt, jeans and white and purple Nike high tops. Her hair was down in curls. She grabbed her book bag and closed her door. Ty came out in a white v-neck with a red vest, jeans and the Jordan True Blue 1's. he slung his bag over his shoulder and both siblings walked to the kitchen. Rocky ate a bowl of Captain Crunch and Ty ate a bowl of Lucky Charms. After they were down eating they headed to school. Once they were in school Rocky walked to her locker and Ty went to talk to Deuce. All of a sudden hands covered Rocky's eyes and a voice said "guess who".
Rocky: Hmm is it Cece?
Cece: How did you know?
Rocky: I could smell your perfume.
Cece: So where we're you last night?
Rocky: I was out with Ty.
Cece: Oh well what was you doing?
Rocky: Sneaker shopping.

Rocky was lucky Ty got a new pair of sneakers three days ago, which were the Gamma Blue 11's.

Tinka: Oh look it's the two trolls.
Cece: What do you want Tinka?
Tinka: I just came to say hi to the two most ugliest people in school.
Rocky: Tinka can't you be nice to us for once?
Tinka: Oh fine, Cece your hair looks nice for today and Rocky you dress well for a person with no style.

Tinka walked off while Cece and Rocky glared at her. If your wondering what Cece is wearing she's wearing black skinny jeans, a white crew neck sweatshirt that has a yellow smiley face on it and the Oreo 5's. Cece: Tinka is really staring to get on my nerves.

Rocky: I know. At least she's just giving us insults.
Cece: Yeah your right. Come on let's get to class.
Rocky: Woah you wanna go to class?
Cece: Yes but not just any class, cooking class and were making cookies today.
Rocky: Cece are you just gonna sit in class and wait till everybody's done with their cookies so you could eat them.? Cece: Maybe.
Rocky: Well why are we going so early?
Cece: If we sit in the front I can probably get Sarah Johnson's cookies.

Cece grabbed Rocky's wrist and dragged her to the cooking classroom. When they opened the door water splashed down on them. Soaking wet both of them glared at the wet, burst open, water balloon on the floor with the initials T.H. on it. Laughter was heard from behind Rocky and Cece so they turned around to see Tinka laughing her head off. Everybody gathered around them including Deuce, Ty and Dina.

Tinka: Ha ha you two look so good better than you ever did. Cece: This isn't funny Tinka. Tinka: You know what? Your right. It kinda smells like wet dog in here now. Tinka started laughing and so did everybody else except for Dina, Deuce, Ty, Cece and Rocky. Rocky was enraged and this prank might have pushed her a little to far. Her hands clinched into fists and she had death look on her face. Ty noticed her eyes begin to glow so he grabbed Rocky and started walking away from the crowd.

Deuce: Ty where are you going?

Ty didn't answer and just kept walking with Rocky under his arm. They went through a door that was the back door of the school that lead to the football field. Rocky fell to her knees and Ty tried to comfort her.

Rocky: Ty stay away.

Rocky's voice sounded demonic which scared the hell out of Ty, but he stood his ground.

Ty: I'm not leaving you.
Rocky: Ty step back.

Rocky seemed more serious and Ty took one step back. Rocky started to groan and at this point she was in transformation mode. Ty disobeyed Rocky's orders and knelled beside her.

Ty: Rocky stop. Fight back.
Rocky: I can't control it Ty.

Rocky lifted her head up and looked at Ty. Her eyes were yellow now.

Ty: Rocky you can do this just think of something. Everybody has something or someone that makes them calm and happy. Just found out who it is. Found your anchor.

Rocky started thinking. It couldn't be Tinka because she was the reason why she's turning, Deuce was out of the question along with Dina, she loved Ty but sometimes he causes so much trouble. The only person left is Cece. Cece always helped Rocky through hard times even when her Dad left. She always pushed Rocky to do things she's always dreamed of doing. Cece may have caused Rocky a lot of trouble but she's worth it. Soon Rocky calmed down. The claws that were staring to grow shrunk back down to original size and the eyes that were just a bright exciting yellow a now loving dark brown.

Ty: You did it.
Rocky: I did.
Ty: What did you think about.
Rocky: Cece.
Ty: Really?
Rocky: Yeah. I guess since she's my bestfriend she means the most to me.
Ty: Hey.
Rocky: Sorry.
Ty: Come on let's go we have lunch.
Rocky: I'm starving.
Ty: Of course you are Wolfie.

Werewolf in ChicagoWhere stories live. Discover now