Werewolf in Chicago Chapter 2

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Rocky's P.O.V: So me and Ty went back inside the school to go to lunch. I can't let people get to me that easily or else I'll rash out. I'm lucky Ty can help me with it. When me and Ty got our lunch we sat down at a table where Cece, Deuce and Dina were sitting at. They looked at me with a worried expression. Well except for Cece.

Deuce: Rocky are you okay.
Rocky: Yeah why wouldn't I be?
Dina: You didn't look like you were okay a few minutes ago. Where did you go?
Rocky: I went to dry off.
Deuce: But why did Ty come with you?
Rocky: He wanted to make sure I was okay.

I heard a bang to my left and see Cece's right hand clenched into a fist then she got up and walked out of the lunch room.

Ty: What's her problem?
Dina: We don't know.
Rocky: I'm about to find out.

I got up ran out of the lunch room and down the hall. I found Cece at her locker sitting on the floor. I walked up to her and sat next to her.
Rocky: Hi.
Cece: Hey.
Rocky: Cece what's up?
Cece: Nothing.
Rocky: Come on Cece you can tell me.
Cece: Why do I feel like your hiding something?
Rocky: Because I'm not.
Cece: Yes you are. Your hiding something and I know it.

Cece was right. I was hiding something, but I couldn't tell her I can't wreck my friendship with her.
Rocky: Cece if I was hiding something don't you think I would tell you? I mean you are my best friend.
Cece: I guess your right. I'm sorry.

Cece hugged me and I hugged her back.

Rocky: It's okay.
Cece: Promise me you won't ever keep secrets from me.
Rocky: I promise. Now let's go back to lunch.

Me and Cece got up and went back to the lunchroom. That was a close call but I hate the fact that I just lied to Cece. What kind of friend am I?

Cece P.O.V: Even though Rocky said she wasn't hiding something I could still tell she was hiding something. I just let it slide but maybe later on I can find out what she's hiding. The school day went by fast and soon me and Rocky were at my house in my room. We were watching Rob and Big laying on my bed cuddling. Ever since we were little we would always cuddle. I don't know how Rocky's body stays so warm. Right now it's freezing in my room. I would turn the heat down but I'm too lazy to. I'm practically shivering while Rocky's just laying there looking at the T.V. She looks at me and has a look of confusion on her face.

Rocky: Are you okay?
Cece: Yeah I'm just cold.
Rocky: Well come closer.

I moved closer to Rocky and was instantly wrapped in a blanket of warm arms. I snuggled into Rocky's side as she wrapped her arm around me.

Rocky: Better?
Cece: Much better.

I wrap my arm around Rocky's stomach but I feel little bumps. I start to rub her stomach making sure she didn't feel a thing which was easy considering her mind was focused on the show. She didn't even feel her shirt ride up a little and that's when I asked her the question.

Cece: Rocky do you work out?
Rocky: A little why?
Cece: I can feel your abs.

Rocky looked down at her stomach and saw my hand there.

Rocky: Uh I never noticed.
Cece: Can I see them?
Rocky: Um sure.

I pulled her shirt up to see 6 well toned abs on Rocky's stomach. I started rubbing them and Rocky didn't seem to care.

Cece: Wow looks like gym class has really been nice to you.
Rocky: I guess so.

All of a sudden we heard a bang. Me and Rocky looked at each other and then got up and walked out into the living room. When we got there we saw a big dog with Flynn standing by his side, a torn pillow, newspapers everywhere and a pile of poop on the floor.

Flynn: Hey guys.
Cece: Flynn what did you do?
Flynn: I might have found a stray dog on the street, became friends with it and let it follow me home.
Cece: Flynn mom is going to freak out!
Flynn: No she won't. She's working the night shift so your gonna have to help me clean this place up.
Cece: Fine but where are we gonna put that?
Rocky: Cece it's a dog a golden retriever actually and um something tells me that it's not a boy.

Rocky pointed to the couch and saw three little puppy's playing with each other.

Cece: Okay Rocky you take the mother and her puppy's to my room but make sure they don't pee everywhere.
Rocky: No problem.
Cece: Flynn you took a knitting class right?
Flynn: Yup it was the worst 15 minutes of my life.
Cece: Okay well go get the knitting kit and fix that pillow while I get the newspapers up.

After about 9 minutes the room was spot less. The only thing that was left was the poop. Me and Flynn stood around it.

Flynn: So who's gonna pick it up?
Cece: Well it ain't me.
Flynn: Well I'm not gonna do it.

We both looked at each other and knew who was gonna pick it up.

Flynn and Cece: Rocky!!!

After everything was clean we all went to my room where the puppy's and their mother was hanging out.

Cece: So what are we gonna do with them.
Rocky: I guess we could sell them.
Flynn: No way I promised their mom that I would look out for them.
Cece: Well we can't keep them here.
Rocky: You know me and Ty always wanted a dog and I think my mom would be okay with it.
Flynn: What about your dad.
Rocky: He's getting old. He's starting to not notice things like he usually does. I bet he won't notice a puppy in his house. Cece: Well what about the other two and the mother.
Flynn: Easy I could hide one in my room and Cece could hide one in here.
Cece: Fine but one more question. How do we know if there boys or girls.
Rocky: I don't think you guys should check let me do it.
Flynn and Cece: Okay.

Rocky checked all the puppy's and it turns out that there's two girls and one boy.

Rocky: Now all we need to do is give them names.

We came up with three names. The boy puppy will be named Ethan which was the youngest, the girl puppy will be named Lily which was the middle puppy and the other girl puppy will be named Tess the oldest.

Cece: Alright well it's getting late. Rocky you wanna sleep over?
Rocky: Sure.
Cece: Cool, Flynn take Ethan in your room and me and Rocky will keep Tess and Lily in here.

Flynn took Ethan and the mother in his room.

Cece: Rocky don't you need clothes?
Rocky: Don't worry I keep a pair of clothes under your bed.

Me and Rocky changed into our pajamas and layed in my bed with the T.V. on. We heard whining so looked over at Lily and Tess. They were backed up into a corner. Rocky got up and put them on the bed. I held Tess while Rocky held Lily. Tess and Lily fell asleep after a few minutes and so did Rocky. I turned of T.V. and the lights and went to sleep with Tess in my arms.

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