Spying and Confessing

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warning: some sebofsky (sebastian smythe & dave karofsky) , incase you don't like.

and a little bit of drunk warblers at the end along with a kinda big time skip.

note: AU where karofsky never bullied kurt so he's at dalton because it's more challenging academically. dave also knows the warblers somehow.

and surprise! one sam evans is here lol


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"Are they kissing?!"

"Ewww, I think he just said a sexual innuendo."

"He's blushing."

"I can't watch this anymore- wait they're getting closer together, yes I can!"

"I'm pretty sure he giggled."


"Both of them!!"

"Would the three of you keep quiet?" Kurt's shrill voice said as he looks up annoyed from his 'Science Around You' textbook. "I'm trying to do my work, which all of you should be doing as well." he added the last part smugly, earning a groan from the trio by the window.

"Kurt, it's Friday. The day where teachers give us homework and we laugh in their faces because they think we're actually going to do it." Jeff replies, eyes not leaving the window.

"Yeah, then we proceed to stay up in the wee hours of the night on Sunday to get it finished. That's been a Warbler tradition since before you came here." Sam chimes in, not even glancing at the counter-tenor.

"That's ridiculous." the boy muttered, looking back to the book on the table, eyes skimming the page for the 7 steps of the Scientific Method.

"Come on, Kurt." Blaine spoke up, and he actually turned around from the fascinating window to face his boyfriend. "You've been working hard all week. Cut yourself some slack and come watch Sebastian be a total school girl around Dave."

Kurt bit his lip, contemplating what to do. On one hand he really should do his work, science wasn't his best subject and Dalton's curriculum was harder than McKinley's.

But on the other hand, he really wanted something to loom over Sebastian and Dave's head the next time one of them walked in on Blaine and Kurt making out or something more embarrassing (let's not get into that).

Oh what the hell, he thought, who's needs science anyways? Gossip is more important.

"Fine." he gave in, earning cheers from the three plus a smile from Blaine. Putting away his materials and textbook, he marched over to the big window in the middle of the common rooms where you get a bird's eye view of the Dalton Academy entrance and parking lot.

In the parking lot, low and behold, was one Sebastian Smythe and Dave Karofsky standing inches away from each other, looking at one another like they were the only two people in the world.

"Oh my gosh, they're practically having eye sex!" Kurt exclaimed, sitting criss-cross and mirroring the other three boys.

"I know!" Blaine, Jeff and Sam said in unison, Sam sitting next to Kurt, handing him a pair of binoculars. Before he could ask what they were for, the blonde said. "To get the real affect." before promptly putting on his own pair and looking out the window.

Oh this was going to be fun.

• • •

Sebastian was going to make a statue in dedication to Kurt Elizabeth Hummel.

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