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What happened after I saved Wren was insane to most, but we weren't most people. I was able to lift a large chunk of concrete off of a police officer. The whole time I was ethereal. I was a ghost, a spirit. I was stronger, faster and better than before and it was definitely helpful.

I remained invisible while Iona distracted him with shadow beams. Her army of shadow people was helping with that as well. Everything seemed to be going our way, Hellfire was struggling to stay on his feet because of the massive amount of shadow people. Iona's beams were penetrating his concrete armor more and more. But I had this crazy idea.

"Iona, we need to make sure he doesn't come back!" I yelled.

She shook her head, "What do you have in mind?"

I walked over to her and whispered my plan in her ear. In the process of listening to my plan, she let off of her shadow beam and Hellfire was able to break free of the grip we had on him. We both jumped back and turned to face him.

He opened his mouth like when he incinerated Riley. But instead of letting us meet the same fate as Riley, he let out a devilish scream, followed by the most sinister laugh.

"That was well done, but it will take more that some shadows to defeat me!" He grinned.

I looked at Iona, she nodded her head in agreement. I planted my feet in the ground and prepared myself for whatever happened next. I watched my skin disappear and once again I was invisible. I began running around Hellfire at immense speed. The air pocket that formed around him was clearly damaging because he began getting frustrated.

Iona recreated her army and focused her beam once again on this monstrosity. Her shadows couldn't enter the pocket of air but it formed another layer of protection around it. We continued to create this large bubble around him for some time before I finally stopped and ran back to Iona.

I made myself visible for a brief amount of time, long enough for her to caste a shield around me. The bubble I was inside of hardened and began to levitate, being controlled by her. She lined me up with the weakened part of his protective shell. When I saw the perfect opportunity, she fired another shadow beam at the wounded and dazed fire monster.

The propulsion from the shadow beam launched me in the shadow bubble as well. I stuck my fist out in front of me and became ethereal once more. The bubble dissipated and just in time for me to collide with his flesh. It was blazing hot and burned like hell but the force I created in the bubble was enough to fully penetrate the surface of his shell. I dodged out of the way and let the shadow beam finish him off. I landed on the ground and began running away.

As I was running away, I tripped and fell over a piece of steel and could grip anything to get back to my feet before Hellfire exploded once again. Iona quickly caste a shield around me and herself. After the dust cleared, she lifted the shield and we walked started walking back to the others. But it wasn't over yet. The concrete began splitting like an earthquake was happening. The building that had been ready to fall for some time now, decided it was going to make its descent to the ground. The only thing we could think to do was to take cover.

We ran back to the alleyway where we stood at the beginning. The building crashed against the ground. Dust and smoke made it hard to breath and the sound it made was deafening. Iona held tight to my shoulder and didn't let go. There was a bright light in the distance. I looked at her and took off towards the light, thinking help was already here.

"Hey! Hey! Over here, please help!" I screamed at the light.

As I approached the light, I noticed that it wasn't a flashlight. When the dust around it began to clear I recognized an impression of a hand. The difference was that this hand was made completely of molten lava and it was still moving. Iona finally caught up to me and we both stood there with our jaws on the ground as we watched this creature arise from the cracks of the concrete.

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