~E p i l o g u e~

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Justin's P.O.V.

Deep breaths Justin.



Dammit, the nerves won't go away!

"Yo, Justin, you ready?"

I jumped, startled. "Ryan. You scared the shit out of me..."

Ryan chuckled, coming up to me and patting my suit-clad shoulder.

"There's nothing to worry about, Justin. She loves you like crazy. She loved you when you started dating, and 5 years later, she still loves you, if not more...but if something does happen...well..you're Justin Bieber, so it'll be all over the world in a matter of-"

"Thanks Best Man, you're a lot of help." He laughed.

"I'm just playing with you Justin. It's pretty funny." I scowled at him, my hands flying instinctively to my tie, tightening it. "Now, let's do this." Taking a deep breath, I nodded.

"Let's do this."

Standing at the head of the altar, waiting for the one you love to emerge from the doors, must be the longest few minutes of a man's life. Unless it's just me. I was going crazy.

Finally, just as I was about to go insane, the wooden doors flew open, revealing the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. At that moment, everyone else in the audience, everyone around me just disappeared, and Maddie was the only girl in the room. Her smile lit up the whole room, and I smiled back, because I couldn't help it.

Her smile is contagious.

As her father led her down the aisle, I only prayed that they would walk faster. It's as if Mr. Baker was going slow on purpose. After he puts her hand in mine, she has another man to look after her. It won't be him anymore. It would be me.

Okay, now I feel for Mr. Baker.

I remember 'Meet The Parents Day,' as Maddie liked to call it, a few years back. My mom was so excited to meet her, and looks at her like a daughter she never had. I'll admit, I was nervous to meet her parents. I wanted to make a good first impression on them so they didn't think I was a stuck up popstar that some people think I am. But when I met them, they were definitely not what I was expecting. They were so kind to me and I was so grateful for that.

I was taken from my thoughts as Mr. Baker set Maddie's hand in my own. I could tell he was hesitant in doing it, but when Maddie pressed a light kiss to his cheek, he beamed brightly. His gaze met mine, and he nodded once. I nodded back, and he walked over to where his wife sat in the front row, next to my mom and dad. When the parents met the parents, Mrs. Baker and my mom got on so well it was as though they've known each other for years.

As the priest started on with the talking, I drowned everything out and kept my gaze firmly fixed on Maddie, staring into her beautiful brown eyes.

"Do you, Justin, take Madeline, to be your wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do you part?" This is it; the moment in time where I pronounce Maddie as my wife. Even thinking that makes me weak at the knees. Smiling brightly, I responded, "I do."

"And do you, Madeline, take Justin, to be your wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do you part?" Tears were visible in her eyes, and she smiled widely.

"I do."

"Justin, you may kiss your bride."

"Gladly." The audience chuckled and I grinned, pulling Maddie closer to me. Finally, after 15 hours of not being able to kiss Maddie,-Alex insisted on not having us see each other all day-I leaned in and captured my lips with hers for the kiss that marked our marriage, our most cherished kiss.

"I love you, Mrs. Bieber."


Finally, after like, 3 hours of wedding reception, more pictures I've taken in a lifetime, and congrats from people I didn't even know, Maddie and I walked toward the limo to whisk us off the Barbados, where our honeymoon was.

"I know I've said this plenty of times today Justin, but congrats." I smiled at Cayden, and brought him in for a hug. "Now, please, take care of my sister."

"You don't have to worry about that Cay. Trust me."

"And I do, a lot bro."

"Justin, you're leaving without saying goodbye to me?!" Letting out a laugh, I held my arms out. Troy collided into me, squeezing me in a hug.

Now, I bet you're wondering, why the hell is Troy hugging you..well, over the past few years, we became extremely close, and we are considered a "Bromance," as the media is calling it. Yeah the media. Don't even ask how they got into it. We received the name of "Trustin"....It had a nice ring to it.

"Troy, I'd never leave without saying goodbye to you!" I squeezed back in the hug. "Besides, we're only gone for 3 weeks. Before you know it, I'll be back in your arms."

"Oh thank God for that!" Everyone around us laughed, and Maddie came up to me and grabbed my hand.

"Sorry Troy, but I'm taking your man away from you," Maddie said, sticking her tongue out at him. For being 21, she's still a child at heart.

"Bye guys!" Maddie shouted out the limo window. "Alex! Stop making out with Ryan and say bye to your best friend!" Chuckling, I sat back in my seat. After we were off the parking lot, Maddie turned to me.

"Well, we're finally married." Butterflies flew drunkenly around in my stomach. Hearing her say that was just music to my ears. I smiled.

"Yeah, we are aren't we?" She leaned in and pressed her lips to mine, but rested her hand on my cheek to deepen the kiss. I chuckled.

"Babe, save it for the honeymoon."


okay...I didn't even think I was going to make this today.. but I DID AND ITS UP WOOHOO! :3

i really like this epilogue <3 it turned out better than I thought it would...


haha, i love what I did with Troy and Justin..hehe #bromancin'


 Alex is still with Ryan, and he's planing on proposing to her soon. :)

Cayden is still with Lindsay, and proposed to her about a year ago :)

and TROY! he recently got a girlfriend, well, about a year ago, and loves her to death <3 her name is Gabriella :3

well, thats all for now!

AND! looks like I'll be posting my one direction fan fics... :)))))



P.S. pleassee pretty please with a cherry on top go vote for the last chapter and the epilogue? AHHH TANKS <3

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