Drugged Up Kiss.

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Drugged Up Kiss

A/n: Hey guys! Okay so like I said in the description, DisenChantment is literally amazing. I love it and I lowkey like these two together. Weird, I know, but I've definitely liked weirder ships. But without further ado, here's the first fic I've wrote in months that I'll probably delete after like 2 months lmao.

It was nighttime in the kingdom of Dreamland. The town was mostly empty, everyone at home coming down from their highs they had just gone through. As most were recovering nicely at their homes, two creatures danced in the night, holding each other closer as their minds wandered. Man, what a night it had been for both Bean and her small elf companion. Since Elfo had tried to kiss her only days before, he'd been lying to her and Luci, telling them he had a girlfriend from a far away land. At first, they hadn't believed him, but after seeing Tess both during her drug trip and in person, Bean believed Elfo was being truthful, and invited her to come to the royal ball with them, as Elfo's date. Elfo tried his hardest to keep his friends from finding out, but after ruining it for himself, decided to come clean after saving Tess from angered townspeople. "I lied because I was too insecure to admit I tried to kiss you," Elfo explained quietly, embarrassed he'd even have to have this conversation with his best friend. Why had this happened? Why did he have to cause this? Why did he like her? "But you don't have to worry. I wont try anything like that again." He stood quietly as he awaited for a response. He saw Bean smile, and instantly felt better. "Good," she started. "Let me do it next time". Elfo thought for a moment on what Bean had just said, then chuckled and looked away sadly. "Heh, yeah". It felt like as soon as he turned away from his best friend, his chin was turned back around, and a pair of lips was felt against his own. Elfo practically leaped out of his skin. Bean, his best friend and love interest, was kissing him?!?! As he felt Bean pull away, a wide smirk on her face, his eyes found their way to hers, and he stared at her with a blank expression. "Bean?," he mumbled. "Did- Did you just kiss me?" "I don't know," she mumbled back. "I don't think I'm Bean". As soon as she said it, both of them found their faces moving closer, and Elfo could've sworn he was flying. "I don't think I'm Elfo". He whispered quietly as his lips found hers once more. Everything was spinning for the both of them. Elfo knew both of them were pretty high, which didn't help the situation much at all. The kiss quickly deepened as Elfo felt himself getting lifted from his stature, and held much closer to the princess. Even after the day they had, she still looked gorgeous and smelled like flowers. He put a hand on her cheek, closing the gap between them even more. Elfo knew he and his best friend would regret this in the morning, he also knew he'd get an earful from Luci, but at that moment, nothing mattered. His fingers were tangled in her hair as Bean's hot breath tickled the nape of his neck. Every time they would pull away for air, their lips would soon crash back together. As they pulled away from each other one last time, they found themselves in the same spot they had been In only minutes ago, blushing and gasping for air. And as soon as that happened, everything became a blur.


The bright sun and something poking him awoke Elfo from his slumber as he groaned by the uncomfortable feeling he had. As he finally opened his eyes, he noticed Luci standing over him. Had it all been a dream? "Wakey wakey, Romeo. Time to get up!" Nope. Not a dream. Elfo instantly felt his face grow beat red as he groaned again, sitting up and looking around. He was in Bean's bed. In Beans room. Nothing had happened last night. At least like that!!! Right?!? "Wheres Bean?" He quickly asked, then regretted it immensely. "Don't freak out, 'Juliette's' in the thrown room talking to her dad. Don't think I don't know what happened between you two last night. Your little Drugged up kiss by the spot." Elfo frown angrily. "It was nothing. We were both high, she kissed me. Thats it. Now leave me alone". He yelled as he marched away and out the door. Luci stood there, chuckling to himself. "They have no idea..."

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