Act 3: A Ramshackle Castle (4 Parts)

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"We didn't get any magpie post today," Beau says while standing at the door of Francis' bedroom. Francis keeps a room almost the antithesis of Beau. There are spots of color and wax everywhere. The windows here while rectangular are glued shut and Beau especially has to stoop when in the room because of the lines of twine and bottles in swooping patterns that clatter against his head when he doesn't pay enough attention.

"No? Does that worry you?" Francis asks, not making eye contact. They are looking out the window as though expecting something to happen.

"It's bizarre for father not to write but perhaps Miranda is correct. Perhaps I'm too old to look for magpie post and should be able to completely take care of myself. But that's-"

"- not why you're here. My mother sent you, didn't she-" With that, Francis turns to look at Beau and there's a sense he's only being addressed as a formality of politeness and familiarity. 

"Well, she worries. You are otherly spirited."

"Nothing new to that."

"I've perfected a very pleasant looking clock you might enjoy to see. Or perhaps you'd like to go to market and see what late fall berries are about. The tart ones are the ones you like; I know that much about you at least."

"I'm not summoning anything. That's always her worry. I don't know why she thinks I'd want felish creatures in my home. That's what these bottles are for. You did hang up the bottles I gave you, right?" 

Beau looks over the bottles. A few are filled with a little mysterious liquid and some others have bells in them. Vibrant topazes and sapphires and deep browns that clink a little against Beau's hand. "No. I didn't think it would be wise with all my tools, in case something falls of course."

Francis looks toward the street. "Your father returns. With a gift."

Beau follows the gaze back down to the street and it is his father. He rushes out of the room.

"Father! Father! Father?" 

He follows Getel, who also trots along without acknowledging Beau. Beau follows and his calling out for Cliff becomes more fearful as Getel trots to a stop in front of the Morgan family home.

"Father, couldn't you hear me?"

Miranda and Rose appear in the doorway; running toward their father with just a hint of abandon. They stop a little short, near where Beau is. Cliff has the face of a man who has seen war and the whimsical warmth he normally exudes is gone. He's cried for a long time but the tears have dried wrong and they've mingled with the cold. He's home too soon, but this is of course not the most troubling thing in any of their minds.

"My son. My daughters."

There's no question of gathering into the hug. He leans on them and Getel trots away back to the stables without another word and even still with the wagon on back attached. Madame Fox appears in the doorway  as they begin leading Cliff back into his home.

"Thank you for looking after everything while I was gone, Madame Fox."

"It was a delight as always, Mr. Morgan," Madame Fox replies, not commenting on his awful appearance or general air of foreboding. The forest is a cruel mistress, after all. Anything could have happened within and none of it all that surprising. "Its almost as if I wasn't here at all. How was Regents Court?"

"I arrived too late, sadly. Both in season and in time. But that's just the way of the world."

----- Part 2: The Great and Tragic Reveal ------

They enter the living room as one unit and head towards the chairs and the hearth gently stoked to a subtle warmth. Beau automatically darts to add pieces of wood to the fire, to bring up the heat. And perhaps a touch of cheeriness. His hands shake just a little.

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