The Funeral

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   MAY 16th 1812

I was racing against time. The burial was set to commence at noon. Thankfully once I filled Thomas in on my suspicion, he was more than happy to accompany me. He did not however promise not to complain.

"Oy it's so bloody hot." He grumbled as he tugged at his collar.

"Will you shut your gob?" I hissed as the preacher gave us a sharp look.

We were conspicuous in the sea of mourners. Although we had both bathed and combed our hair we still didnt give off the air of quality that surrounded us.

"There that's him." I pointed at the Marquess of Wellesley.

"Hes a right smug bastard." Thomas murmered. "Fancy that showing up to the funeral of a man ye kilt."

"Ay that he is." I agreed. "We need to follow him, that's our only hope of getting Anna back to her family."

"Right I'm on it!" Thomas set off into the crowd.

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