Chapter 1

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Jasey Pov: 

My best friend Saffy took me to Warped Tour, as a belated birthday present and dragged me through the crowd at the main stage to watch All Time Low. I'm not necessarily bothered about the seeing All Time Low part, I love them, but the elbows in faces part was an avoidable mistake. After All Time Low had played almost instantly she grabbed my arm and hauled me over to the Relentless stage where a band called Asking Alexandria were playing. I knew they were one of her favourite bands, she never stops talking about them. Fortunately she didn't make me trollop through the crowd though, they're was clearly a better view at the back. Plus she didnt fancy being tossed into the ongoing mosh pit dead center, and I, again, didn't want to be brutally attacked by some random person throwing themselves about. No thank you. The roar of the crowd got louder and Saffy decided to join in, "MY BABY!! DANNY I LOVE YOU!!" I didn't have the guts to actually tell her that they're nor going to hear her, she was having too much fun and it's not exactly a nice thing to do to your best friend. It got halfway through a song Saffy informed me was called Not The American Average when the guitarist with the curly hair, I think he was called Ben, started to sing. His voice was like nothing I had ever heard before. It was gentle, completely different from the main vocals, anyway. It sounded beautiful.

After making our way out of the crowd when they left the stage, we both agreed that food right now would be the best option. "Hey, Saff, that other guy that sang, you've spoke about him before right?" I wanted to make sure he was who I thought he was. I'm not really into the band but I'd sure as hell like to get to know him a bit better. "Oh hell yeah, Ben Bruce" oh yeah I was right. She said once that I'd like him, I guess she was right. She kept babbling on about how amazing the band was and how perfect James was, who I was oblivious to. "Nachos?" I wasn't really paying attention to anything, I was in my own world. "Jasey!! Nachos?!" She nudged my shoulder hard after yelling at me. "Ow! Yeah, okay thanks" We rested our feet by sitting on a hill "Are you okay, you seem out of it?" she asked concerned "Yeah, I'm fine" we got VIP tickets so we were aloud to go see all the bands after wards, so we made our way to the gate that separated the field and all the tour buses and VIP site.

Ben Pov:

I was on such an adrenaline high! That was awesome, "Danny, did you see all the people? It was so crowded man!" the backstage security ushered us to the exit, I was lagging behind, daydreaming about all the fans that were there. "Yeah it was fucking crazy! Tell me you saw the massive mosh pit, right?" I just laughed nodding my head.

Sweat was dripping down my face, It wasn't that hot but the from jumping around on stage and all the adrenaline that was rushing through my body I was roasting! I can't even remember what state we were in.

We made our way back to the tour bus and passed two girls, the one that caught my eye the most had long brown hair that was slightly wavy and snake bite piercings. "James, did you see that girl?" he smiled his devilish smile "Fuck Yeah! I bet you couldn't pull her man! She looks like she can handle herself!" I had no idea if this was an official bet or just banter "What you saying mate, I look more her type than you do I could so get her" he started laughing mockingly "It's on!"

I rushed to the tour bus to get changed and freshen up before James could "C'mon Ben hurry the fuck up, you've been in the bathroom for 15 minutes!! Some peope ought to shit you know!!" I heard Cameron banging on the door "Calm your tits for fuck sake I'm done!"

James was still getting changed as I made my way out of the tour bus "Remember Ben, we're committed, don't you cheat on me!" I heard Danny shout as I walked out with a smile on my face. Luckily they were still standing there one of them was holding nacho's and looked like she was looking for a bin. "If you're looking for a bin, there's one around that corner" she looked stunned like she couldn't believe who she was talking too. "Oh, uh, yeah, okay thanks" she hurried off and the one that caught my eye just stood there awkwardly "Hey" she said, her voice was slightly shaky "hey, are you enjoying yourself?" I was lost for words, what the fuck man, this has never happened before "Yeah it's great" she seemed so calm, this has never happened either "Sorry, but you do know, who I am right?" she nodded her head and leant up against the fence "Yeah your the erm, guitar singy guy from that band called, uhh...Asking Alexandria?" okay this really does not happen that often, I need to think of different tactics now. "Yeah that's the one, I'm Ben by the way." she nodded her head "yeah my friend told me she's a big fan! I'm Jasey, and this is Saffy" she said as her friend came back "Saff, just Saff"

Jasey Pov:

I thought that Saffy was about to hyperventilate I tapped her shoulder "You alright? Just keep breathing yeah?" she nodded her head and blushed "It's okay you're not the only one that she has hyperventilated in front off, you should have seen her with Austin Carlile when he gave her a hug, I thought she'd never let go! and she seems keen on the other guy in your band" I looked over to her just staring at me "Danny right?" I asked, she nodded her head looking at me like I was completely nuts "Yeah, Danny gets a lot of female attention, we all do, you know when they know who we are" I knew it was a dig at me but didn't take any notice, "Who's that, that just came out your bus?" He turned around and sighed "That is our drummer, James" I started laughing remembering that time that Saffy was ranting about all the things she would do to him "What's so funny?" he asked worried "Just, something I remembered, It's cool. Does he often walk around with no top on, or is that just to impress the 'ladies'?" Ben let out a small laugh and nodded his head "If I know James, he's on the prowl for one in particular"

Before I knew it, Saffy was almost passed out, the only thing holding her up was me, when James came over. "Does she need some water?" I stopped him before he gave it to her "Oh god no! That'll make it worse, she is just a bit overwhelmed right now" James smiled at me and I was pretty freaked out that they were just standing there staring at me while I prop up my best friend, "Well you know, everyone else has gone to a party and our tour bus is totally empty, if she needs a seat?" I smiled at James "Yeah that sounds nice, I guess"

We all walked over to their bus, that was only a few yards away. I kept behind with Saff, so I could talk to her "What's wrong with you? Pull yourself together woman! This could be your only chance to talk to these guys!" She stopped and took a few deep breaths, "You know what? You're right! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity I'm not going to ruin it for myself! Lets go"

*EDITING* Accidental (A Ben Bruce/Asking Alexandria Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now