the broken

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Nate’s p.o.v:

I don't know how long I have been floating in darkness before I actually opened my eyes. Well it has been a while. Like three hours while now that I see the clock.


"IT'S BEEN THREE HOURS!" I rushed out the door.

I opened the car door taking ace with me and hopped on the gas. I rushed in the dead of night to the harbor. While driving I called lizzy.

"WHY THE FUCK YOU CALLING ME THIS LATE?!"I forgot she doesn't know what went down.


There was a silence for about three seconds before I about lost my eardrum. Ouch just to say it now.

"WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!" She screamed.

I hear the distinctive beep of being hanged up on. Well I hope she does what I asked. I'll need all the help I can get.

I felt a nudge on my bicep. I looked to see ace with a worried face. I patted for him to join me up front. He is as worried as me about kate.

"We will get her. She is a tuff cookie." I think I was telling myself more then him.
I saw water come into view. Then ships and other boats as they bobbed on the waters surface.

I saw lizzy and everyone else there circled around something. I quickly stop and got out.

Ace was hot on my tail when we arrived. I walked behind everyone and quietly asked for them to move. Lizzy turned around and told me to stop. I pushed past her to see kates sword.

“What happened.” i turned my head slightly to look at them throughout the corner of my eye.

They looked down at the sword again. I looked again but closer. I saw droplets of blood on the floor. I followed them to see a pool of blood next to kate's second sword but this time it is still intact.i picked it up and examined it.

Her sword had splotches of blood on them. I looked back to where the sword was laying to see a trail of blood again. This trail lead to the water.

Upon further inspection two boat were missing. Both i would say were speed boats.

I turned back to everyone when doug walked up to me. He handed me he the spare sheath for kate's sword. I put the non broken one in the sheath and grabbed the broken ones pieces and held them close.

I walked to the car and wrapped the two ends and sighed. Kate what have you gotten into now? All we wanted was to have a happy life where we go on jobs and such. Not have to hunt down people wanting to kill us.

“So this is what  have so far. Kate and shira fought once you all left. Kate took a risky move. I don’t know whether she failed or not. But she keeps going anyways. Then to escape she took a boat out on the water. Shira and the men she had followed kate. If shira was hurt then one of her men would have taken her back to heal. I want everyone to look for that car or cars. Check traffic cameras, building cameras, anything that can lead us to them. While me and the rest of us go looking for them out at sea. You all understand?” Ace came and sat next to me while talking.

I shifted my weight so i could turn around and see them. They had determination written on there face. But what go me the most was that they are still standing there.

“That wasn't a suggestion.” i growled.

They all started to move to do what they needed. Lizzy and doug came up to me smiling. I cant smile. Not yet anyways.

“We will go with you to find kate. Mike has people coming to test the blood on the floor to see whos it is.” i nodded and walked over to a familiar ship.

This boat can be used for speed but me and kate wanted it so we could take a break when we wanted to

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This boat can be used for speed but me and kate wanted it so we could take a break when we wanted to. I can't believe i forgot about it. It was me who begged her every night to get one. Granet all i had to do was show her my sad face and she got for me. But that's beside the point.

“Come on let's go find my girlfriend.” i said with determination.

We entered the boat and got situated. I skimmed the water with the boat as we went along. Somewhere behind us there was search boats with lights. We were leading the way through the ocean.
We have been out for a couple of hours when i saw something white quickly flash. I yelled for them to turn around and go back. The white thing was acutely two white things. They were the two speed boats that were missing.

“Check the boats!” i yelled.

Something is wrong. I have a feeling in my gut that it is. Kate would not just abandon the boat like this. She would always return it. Sometimes better then when she borrowed it.

“Sir the only thing on the second boat is kaitlyn's phone!” one came running to me.

My heart dropped. Now we can't track her. How am i going to find her!

I turned on the phone to see the lock was off. I unlocked it to see a voice recording waiting. It was titled ‘To Nate’. I tapped it to here her voice.

“~Dear nate. If you are getting this then this means you have found my boat. I'm after shira and i'm critically hurt. I will chase after her until she is dead. I don't know how long that will take but I won't stop until then. Who knows I might be two day, three months, or even years! All i ask of you is to find someone you love. Please forget me. I know it will be hard but please try. Don't come looking for me. When the time is right I will come back. I will miss you.~” There was a pause.

“~and I will always love you~” the recording stopped.

I sank to my knees and cried. I screamed why and broke down. She's gone. I won't ever be able to find her.

My eyelids feel heavy. My body swayed until I started to fall over. Ever so slowly i hit the bottom of the boat. That is where i passed out.

The end?
Author: that's the end.

Kate: wow 16 chapters. You have done better.

Author: Hey! You try writing more! I could have killed you off!

Kate: fine.

Nate:I'm depressed now.


Nate:Kate's gone!

Kate: well you have me here!

Nate: I know but not there. Not where everything is. Not where we made our memorys.

Author: dont forget about the second book. It's already being worked on. So I'm leaving for now. When you get the chance wait for the second book. It will be called: Game Of Shadow's: Faiths Return. Shadow_dancer out!

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