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"Go get uncle trell okay?"I said tavari

"Where we going?"he asked

"Little boy just go"I said laughing

Dessi moved to New York so my moma takes care of him but shid she 37 she needs alone time.

So I get him every other week

As Kentrell got up we hopped in my 2018 Honda Accord

And pulled off.


"So gang we are at the mall right now"I said talking to the camera since I was vlogging

"There go tarvari lookin cute and Kentrell looking daddish"I said as he smiled revealing his grills.

"But tomorrow my baby has to leave for his tour so I'm mad at him"I said pouting

"Why you mad?"he asked laughing

"Cause you gone get me pregnant then you gotta leave for two weeks"I said frowning

As he bust out laughing

"Girl it's only two weeks and you the one who won't come wimmie"he said

"Cause...y'all niggas be trippin"I said

"But y'all ima be in North Carolina,los angles,las vagas,Houston Texas And Chicago"he said milky rocking

"Ayee I'm comin"I said

As we went to the food court for tavari

Tavari has to leave in 5 weeks if I didn't mention,dessi stopped fuckin with girls and got a real MAN

"I want dat"tavari said pointing to the chicken tenders and fries

"Okay"I said

"What you want baby"Kentrell asked

"I'm good"I said

"Not you my baby"he said pointing to my stomach

"Oh the baby already ate"I said laughing

As Kentrell picked up vari since he tried to run

"Y'all odee cute right na lemme get a flick"I said

"Y'all odee cute right na lemme get a flick"I said

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