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It's a beautiful day outside. The sun is shining bright, birds are singing and everything is just peaceful but underneath this calmness is darkness. Somewhere in this peaceful affair, a dark forest full of trees, shrouded in shadows. It was quiet, not a speck of sound was heard until suddenly, sobbing was heard along a plead for help. Deep in the woods, among the darkness and wrist tied up in binds is a teen boy, crying as he yell from the top of his lung while pair of eyes watch him. After what felt like hours but only two minutes, the boy finally accept defeat as he bow his head. Voice filled of fear spoke to the shadow figure.

"Please.... please let me go. I-I promise... I promise that I-I'll leave you alone. I'll even d-do what you say.... j-just l-let me go p-please."

"Now why would I do that?" A voice said, chuckling afterwards "I mean why would I let you go after picking on me?"

"I've never pick on you."

"Really?" An crunching sound of leaves as they're being crush "then tell me wasn't you who broke my toys? Wasn't you who kick dirt in my face? And wasn't you who push me in the mud?" Footsteps crept closer and closer to the boy.

"I was joking." He laugh nervously "y-yeah it was a j-joke... a-a harmless j-joke. So you can untie me and-"

"LIES." A light blue chi flew past him and hitting the tree few feet behind him "those was not harmless joke. You and your pathetic friends have been bullying me from day one. For. No. Damn. Reasons." The cheerful tone in their voice became toxic, growling as they glare "I did nothing just minding myself until you punks decided to pick on sweet little ol' me for sick pleasure, and I hated it. I hate your pranks, I hate your mocking laughter and I hate your ugly face." The leaves rustle against the wind in quiet, tense silence until an evil giggle erupts from the figure "but that's okay cause like you said all of it was a harmless joke." A pearly white of sharp teeth was shown, sending a shiver down the boy's spine "isn't that right, piggy?"

"Yeah that's right." He smile fearfully watching the figure crept closer to him "all of it was nothing but a harmless joke. I was only messing with ya besides I would never do those things to you." As he speak, the ominous figure crept closer and closer until they're in front of him. The teen gulps as pair of eyes stare "so can you please let me go?"

It was quiet as two beings have a stare down. One is fidgeting in nervous while the other is calm as they continue to stare with their eyes. Those same eyes began to close as they sigh before reopening them and in a monotone voice, gave their answer "no."

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I TOLD YOU IT WAS A JOKE. A HARMLESS PRANK. SO WHAT IF I BULLY YOU? YOU THINK YOU CAN TIE ME DOWN AND BEG FOR FORGIVENESS? YOU WANT ME TO BEG FOR MERCY? WELL GUESS WHAT BRAT? FUCK YOU AND YOUR LAME WHINY SELF CAUSE I WON'T BEG." The boy pants, glaring at his perpetrator. The figures eyes were widen, surprise before laughing. Their laughter was filled with cruelty and mischief. That anger and bravery in the boy vanish being replaced with confusion.

"Hahahaha... beg for forgiveness? Haha you think that I-hehehe will make you beg for-hahaha forgiveness? Hahahaha oh my cob hah that is-that is s-so f-funny-hehehe." They laugh, slapping their knee "I can't-I can't breathe hahahahaha." They then took deep breath to calm themselves, chuckling as their laugh subside "you're stupid. I'm not going to make you beg."

"You're not?"

"No I'm not." The boy sigh in relief "I will never make you beg." He yelp as the figure pulls him close and look into their glowing brown eyes with slit pupils, glaring at them with malice "no what I'm going to do is make you squeal. I'm going to break you, beat you and torture you until you cry for your mommy, and once I'm done." Razor sharp teeth was full on display as the boy whimper in fear "you'll never bother me again just like your friends."

"What did you do?"

"You'll find out soon but first." Soon scream erupts from his mouth as fingers dug into his shoulder. Tears stream down his face as the figure lean close and whisper "squeal for me little pig."

"I'm so sorry for my boy's behavior. I promise he will never do this again."

"It's okay. Ko just need some ice cream and he'll be his old self again." Carol said, holding Ko in her arms. He was covered in cuts and bruises, and bit of dirt but other than that he was fine. The mother smile apologetically at the child before glaring her son.

"Young man when we get home, you're grounded for the whole month."

"But mom he-"
"Silence." He shut his mouth. The mother frown before turning to Carol and smile softly "well I hope your son gets better."

"Thank you. And I'm sorry if peanut hurt your son."

"You don't need to apologize for your angel. He was probably defending himself." She wave her apologies away "but anyway have a nice day you two." She then grab her son by the ear and drag him away in anger "we are going to have a long talk about your behavior and why picking on small kids is not okay."

"But nothing." As he being dragged away, he couldn't help but look back as the woman wave goodbye and walking the opposite direction before his eyes widen in fear. Staring back at him is Ko, watching them over his mom's shoulder but that's not what make him scared. No, what made him scared was those brown slit eyes, sending fear into his very soul and as they get farther away, he smirk before whispering two small words that will haunt him forever.

'Little pig.'

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