Whirlpool of Emotions

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Ya Rabb! She exhaled the deep breath she didn't know she was holding. She finally quit procrastinating and stood up from the sitting position on her bed to perform ablution and pray witr before she heads to bed as she has to wake up early tomorrow.

After saying the final salaam, she went down for a long sujood and cried. She couldn't say all that she wanted to but she knew her Creator was closer than her jugular vein and He is As- Sami', The All-Hearing. She needn't say anything He SubhanaHu wa Ta'ala knows what she's going through.

A soft knock came on the door followed by Mukhtar's salaam. She didn't bother to look up nor even move from her position but she answered the salaam anyway. A anti bi khayr? Ma tdha haddath laki? (Are you okay? What happened to you?) he asked and she just managed to shake her head. He pulled her up from the mat and sat her down on her bed then picked up the mat, folded it and kept it on the chest beside the bed where she keeps it. Come on sis what is it? Are you missing Baaba? hes asked and she nodded. He kept mum before he broke the silence again "Allaahumma yarhamuh we can only pray for him you know that right? We all are waiting for our own time so why don't we try and make the time we have left count? Hmm? I hate seeing you like this Nawwal, in fact Baaba wouldn't want us to keep sulking till God knows when. Let's keep praying for him so he gets the ajr too okay? And I know that is not the only thing bothering you but i'll let it slide, we'll talk about it whenever you're ready. You have to go to school tomorrow so i'll take my leave okay?" All Nawwal was doing the whole time was nodding occasionally and when Mukhtar was done talking she muttered an in shaa Allah and then he pecked her forehead, said salaam and left the room. A few seconds later she heard another knock and his voice followed suit "I'll be taking you to school so when you're ready lemme know tamam?" and as if he could see her she nodded and then realized he couldn't so she replied loud enough for him to hear "tamam".

Mukhtar and Nawwal lost their beloved father Baaba (Alhaji Umar Abdullahi) three months ago in a car crash on his way back from a wedding faatiha he attended at Yola - Adamawa, Nigeria. Nawwal was supposed to book a return flight for him but being the procrastinator that she was Baaba couldn't get a flight so a friend offered and they went by road. To say that Baaba was furious at her would be an understatement but being daddy's princess she got off the hook.

***Wednesday Night (3 months ago) ***

"Bintee" baba called from his study which is just two doors away from Nawwal's room

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"Bintee" baba called from his study which is just two doors away from Nawwal's room. Baaba has a very deep masculine voice and the door was opened so he didn't have to raise his voice before she could hear him.

Her response came and shortly after she knocked on the door and said the salaam. "yes Baaba" she said while fiddling with her fingers. She had no idea what he will say after sending him an apology letter and a poem via whatsapp.

Ta'alee seat here he pointed to the sandy brown couch situated at the right side of the study by the shelf. She quietly complied before looking at Baaba's smiling face and she couldn't help but smile. Ooh Ya Allaah, how much she loves and adores the King of her heart. "Is there anything my princess wants to tell me?" He asked while raising an eyebrow, his eyes twinkling. "Ana asifun jiddan ya Abie, samihni" she said and he hugged her before saying that it's okay. "The reason why I reacted the way I did is because I love you. You need to work on time management Azeezaty. This isn't the first time we're talking about this. A day will come when you'll have to get married and trust me, procrastination will not help you in any way".

As if on cue, they heard Mukhtar's salam and soft knock. They both answered and he came in holding his briefcase with his grayblazer on his shoulder and tie loosened. "Am I interrupting anything?" he asked smiling and Baaba shook his head saying "La ibni... You just came in at the right time. I was just talking to your sister here about marriage. Take a seat." Knowing not to argue, Mukhtar found a spot beside Nawwal and sat, dropping the briefcase he has been holding beside the chair.

"We're not getting any younger you know" he said winking at his children. "I've dreamt of playing with my grandkids by this age but non of you has brought a suitor yet" he raised an eyebrow. Nawwal looked down to her thigh where her fiddling fingers were while her elder brother looked away both blushing. "Mukhtar any lucky lady? " he asked. "Baaba you know if there is anyone I'm serious about i'll let you know. It's just that most of these girls nowadays..." He sighed when he saw the death glare his sister shot him. "What? You know how they are. I mean you were telling me stories just yesterday right?" She shrugged and mumbled "not all of us are evil else we'll say the same for men" then rolled her eyes.

Alhaji Umar looked at his daughter waiting for her to say something but she didn't. "Habeebaty is there anyone you want me to know about? " It was no surprise that she'll be asked the question but it still caught her off-guard which almost made her choke on her saliva. All four eyes were watching her closely waiting for a response but she just shook her head. "Are you sure?" Baaba asked and this around, she nodded.

"Just be sure to let me know if there is. Don't be shy. BaarakAllaah feekum." He said smiling. "Let me finish up this work before the azaan is called". He added looking at the silver Hugo Boss wristwatch on his right hand before adjusting his glasses.

The duo left the study with Nawwal trailing behind her brother after grabbing his briefcase. She held it up and he smiled collecting it before heading to his room.

In her room, all Nawwal could do was blush thinking about Hisham. What might he be doing now? Probably on his way to one of the halaqahs he attends. Ooh how lucky one will be if they marry Hisham. He is religious, handsome and he knows the latest trends and styles. The way he talks, his deep soothing bass voice.... Ooh his beard 😍 not to forget his maroon Mercedes Benz that always stands out in crowds.

Sometimes she feels like just telling Mukhtar to talk to him. She needs to find out whether he's single and searching. Oooh Ya Allaah. She brought out a blue notepad from her bedside drawer which she writes her poetry and love letters to Hisham.

Amidst the struggles of life, on the verge of breaking down she wonders when he will come.
And one night she caught a glimpse of him...
Riding on his horse of taqwa with his beard so dark and shiny
'Drop dead handsome' you call it?
He is way more...
Cos he got the Sunnah right after the Quran.
This is when he died, and reality hit her
It was all a dream!!!
Standing up she performed ablution and off she went on her flying carpet.
And to her Rabb she went.
She whispered when her head was low on the ground
O Allah, give me a husband who will be my rock.
Who will stand by me at my lowest of times and will be a constant reminder of You.
O the turner of hearts don't let my heart be fooled by his external beauty and wealth
Just place my heart into the hands of a man who will protect it with his life and never break it.
A husband my Lord who will be a role model to my children and who will guard his modesty and never make me feel alone.
O Allah make him the coolness of my eyes and make me the coolness of his eyes.

She read out a poem she wrote just a few days before Hisham appeared in her life. Maybe it was a sign, an answer to her said du'a.


Sooo!  I have finally managed to publish the first chapter. I had intended for it to be longer but in order not to keep y'all waiting much longer, here a little gift from me.  Hope you enjoyed it? Don't forget to vote, comment and recommend 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2018 ⏰

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