survivor and the beast - circus beast!Trapper x reader

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You wake up in the middle of colorful lights and circus tents. Although you've been here just once, you immediatly know what this must be. It's the circus nearby Father Campbell's Chapel, the place where this creepy clown has his caravan. But I can't hear or see any sign of the clown yet, which relieves me a bit...

I move on to see if I can find some of the other ones, but except for the weird undead horse behind the caravan, I can't find anyone. Guess I should just start repairing the first gen...

As you try to find a generator to repair, you stumble over a wooden sign, with the words 'main attraction' on it. Strange... this sign wasn't here the last time I've been here, was it? I can't hold back my curiosity and start to follow the direction the sign points to and come to the entrance of the old chapel.

Carefully I take a look inside and my movements freeze as I spot the Trapper. Kneeling there in the middle of the chapel, his muscular arms stretched out unhealthy, because of the chains that pull them above him. His appearance is different than normally, he looks just like a...
I read out loud, as I see the letters written in blood on the wall above him. Is that his blood..? Why would the entity do something like that to a killer?

A low groan escapes the mouth of the Trapper, making me jump. He seems infuriated as he tears at the heavy chains trying to break them and roaring wildly. He acts like a captured bear, I think to myself, empathising a bit. Although he's a killer, this situation shows that he's just a slave of the entity and another figure in this sick game, like me...

Our eyes meet and I expect a stare of him that says 'I want to see the life fade out of your eyes'. But instead of that, I see his eyes weaken for a moment, like he lost his will to kill for a second and then he turns his head in a different direction, nodding at it. Does he want me to leave or..? I look at the direction, finding a lever.

Above the lever is another sign, saying 'release the beast'. Slowly, I approach the lever and then hesitate.
Should I release him or just try to escape?

Ending 1: Try to escape

The hell I'm going to help him! He would never do the same for me and this clearly is just another trial of the entity, testing me if I'm dumb enough to believe that there's still something good in this monster.

I made my decision and start to run away as fast as I can, away from the trapped beast. But as I step over the threshold of the chapel, I hear something click under my feet. I nearly stumble as the ground sunks a bit and I stop to turn around and see that the chains that held Trapper in place now fall off. This must have been another trigger mechanism to release him... Oh no.

The second the chains fall off, his eyes flash open and he approaches me faster as I can realise. I just stand there, perplex like a deer that is going to get run over by a car. But I think that would be more bearable than feeling the now unstoppable wrath of the Trapper.

The last thing you feel is a hard knock against your head as he shoves you to the ground and the feeling of Trapper's cleaver slicing up your back from the bottom up.

You died, Trapper lives.
The entity tricked you.

Ending 2: Release him

The Trapper would be thankful and spare my life when I help him... At least I hope so. I can only find out when I pull the lever, I gues.. So I pull at it.

But it seems the entity had another idea of 'releasing' him. As I turn the lever, a spike shoots out of the ground beneath Trapper, right through his heart. I stand there perplex and watch, as the entity consumes him, a tear rolling down my cheek.
This is not what I wanted..

You live, Trapper died.
The entity tricked you.

True Ending

I overthink the situation. If I play this game like the entity wants it, I can only lose. I must think of anything the entity wouldn't expect me to do...
Then an idea hit me. One thing the entity clearly doesn't understand.

I doubt my own sanity as I approach the trapped Beast, how ironically, thinking of how he's usually the one trapping us over and over again...

You pull his mask aside, revealing his scarred face and placing a gentle kiss on his chapped lips. Nobody could love the beast or could they..?

Satisfied with your own action, you pull his mask back on and watch him eyeing you in surprise.

Suddenly a loud crack can be heared and the ceiling of the chapel starts to crumble, just as the walls, so the Trapper's finally able to rip the chains off the wall. At least he can move now. "Come on, we must leave!", I shout and take his hand, pulling him with me. He starts to run with me and even pulls me by the waist, slinging me over his shoulder and taking me with him because he runs faster than me.

But he soon comes to an hold as he stands before the entrance of the chapel. It is blocked with spikes of the entity, just as every other exit and window. He puts me down again and we stare into each others eyes, knowing that this is going to end soon because we'll be buried under the crumbling chapel. Although I know that, I can't help myself but smile, because I did something so lovely to a coldhearted killer. At least I thought he was coldhearted...

He proves me wrong as he uses his strong body and arms to protect me from the falling pieces of the ceiling. So we stand there for our last moments, so close to each other and although it's ridiculous, I've never felt so comfortable as in this moment right now...

You both died
You tricked the entity.

A/n: Soo, the thing with the different endings was something new for me, that I wanted to try, I hope you like it. The request and ideas for this one came from UsernameHereLOL, hope you like how it turned out! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2018 ⏰

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