Stylist's Daughter

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Y/N: Your Name

Y/C: Your country

Y/L: Your language

Today mum decided to take me to work with her. Yes it might seem like a childish thing to do but I love my mum and i will do anything for her. I am 19 years old and i guess you could say that I'm a tomboy. Anyways, mum and i just arrived at the photo shoot where she is styling the boys from CNCO. I haven't met them before but mum tells me that they are funny lads. We both walked into the studio and was greeted by Renato, the boys manager.

"Hola, Paulina how are you?" Renato asked.

"I'm good how are you?" My mum replied.

"Very good, thank you. I'm guessing that this is your daughter?" Renato asked my mum whilst smiling at me.

"Ahhh yes. This is y/n. Thought i would bring her to work since so she can get some fashion experience since it's her dream to be in the industry and tour around the world for bands and other artists." Mum replied.

"Well it's nice to meet you y/n." Renato said with a welcoming smile.

"You too Renato." I replied with a smile.

"Well we should go backstage and get ready for the boys to come. Talk later." Mum said with a smile. We said our goodbyes to Renato and made our way backstage. We walked into a room and began to set ourselves up. After we had finished setting things up mum and i sat down talking about random things until the door opened and five hella good looking boys walked in.

"Hello boys, nice to see you again." Mum said with a smile.

"You too Paulina." The boys replied whilst looking at my mum and I.

"Boys, this is my daughter y/n. Y/n, this is Christopher, Erick, Joel, Zabdiel and Richard." Mum said as she was pointing towards each boy.

"Why hello there boys. Nice to meet you." I said to the boys.

"Wow. Your accent is beautiful. Where are you from?" Joel asked.

"I am from y/c. I just arrived here last week." I replied. The boys and i got into a conversation until my mum interrupted me.

"Y/n, would you like to do the honors of picking out the boys outfits today?" Mum asked.

"Sure can mum." I replied and started picking out outfits for the boys. Each clothing rack had each boys names on them and i had to go through them all to find the perfect outfit for the photoshoot. Once i had picked out the boys outfits, they went and got changed in their dressing room. As they were changing mum and i decided to put on music and dance and sing to it. As Ariana Grande's song No Tears Left To Cry came on, i started to sing the song in Y/L. Mum just sat there watching me sing the song. After i had finished singing the song, i heard clapping and cheering coming from the door. I turned around and saw the boys and Renato standing their clapping and cheering. I smiled and bowed. 

"You are an amazing singer y/n." Richard said.

"Thank you." I replied smiling. The boys and i talked more until they had to go and stand in front of the camera. I stood by the window and watched them having a photoshoot. I smiled and laughed as they messed around. After the two hour photoshoot it was time for us to leave. As mum and i were packing up we heard a knock on the door. We both turned around and Zabdiel was standing there with the boys behind him.

"Hola Paulina. The boys and i were wondering if we could hang out with your daughter for the rest of the day and get to know her?" I could tell he was nervous to ask. I looked at my mum and smiled.

"Boys, i'm happy for you to spend time with my daughter. Go have fun." Mum said. I smiled and gave her a hug. She gave me some money for food and the boys and i left the building and spent time getting to know each other.

I'd say that today was a very successful day. Thank you mumma for bringing me out of the house. :) 

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