prologe: A Royal visit

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Your pov: 

My last letter from my cousins was quite interesting, they often spoke about a 'Professor Heine' yet this time it was a little different. They spoke about how they finally knew about his past and how they got him back into the position of Royal Tutor. I must say to even make Leonhard like him he must be amazing.  When they first described him they said he was 'small in stature and cute.' Now i was only 5'2 ( a/n: if your not im sorry) but he was apparently only a little shorter at 5'1.8. i felt bad for the poor professor i get teased a lot buy the boys for my height i can only imagine. 

As i read the letter again and then got ready to see them. The carriage arrives shortly after finishing and  i leave to see my cousins.


very short but this is a test tell me what you think of it and i might continue.  

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