chapter 2 : a reason to live

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its been a week since selena last talked to me.  so today I decided to make a suprise for her and maybe ask her tobe my girlfriend. that sounds so odd considering we have a daughter.

im going to make a picnic at the beach.we'll be surrounded by candles and petals, soft music at the bsck ground, read her the poem I wrote about her and bam! ask her to be my girlfriend.

that sounds too sweet, but I heard thats what girls like.isnt it?

enough about that, right now I have to get jen to school before she's late. I went into the kitchen wher jen sat with her mother eating cereal.

"hurry up princess we have 20 munites to get there.amd you know what happens when you're late" I said kissimg her cheek. is it just me or does she have really kissable cheeks.

after finishing her breakfast,  jen stood up and wemt to her mother's side kissing her cheek.

"bye bye mummy" she waved before walking to the front door with me behind her.

*after dropping jen off. at home.*

"so what are you doing today? " I asked selena. but as usual she ignored me. I sighed and went upstairs.

I layed on my bed texting yvana to pick up jen after school and take her to her house. she replied within seconds. now I just have to get megan to take selena shopping so she can buy something to wear tonight.

*test convo*

j- so u going 2 pick up selena?


j-wat time

m- about 2 o'clock

j- k.thx again

m- no problemo.

now thats done I need to get the boys to help me decorate. I tested chaz, taylor and zayn to come and help me decorate. they were alll bored so they agreed.

now I just have to get selena to talk to me because I really cant stand this anymore.i have the great idea, I know selena's weakness.

I took off my shirt and pulled down my jeans just enough so you can see my v-line. shes going to love this more than the picnic.

I went downstairs  and found sel sitting on the couch watching the real husbands of hollywood. I went up to her took the controller and turned off the tv.

I took a seat next to her on the couch and beggan kissing her neck.nothing.she wouldnt give her attention to me. guess ill have to do it tje hard way.  I started sucking and biting her hoping it'll capture her attention.  I sucked her neck even harder than before finally making her moan.i smirked in accomplishment.  now all I have to do is make her want me.

I moved away from her and sat crossed legged on the couch fully facing her. she turned to look at me in the eyes but her eyes moved down to my body. she bit her and placed her hand over her womanhood. she started moving her hand up and down still staring at my body. 

she began moaning and thats when I realised she's turned on and she's pleasuring herself. before continuing moving her hand, I took it away from her crotch and placed mine where her hand was before.

I continued what she was doing making her moans fill the house. I moved closer to her so I can pleasure her even more.

I put my hand under her dress and moved up towards her panties.  I slide my hand in her underwear and insertedmy finger in her. I started moving my finger in and out before adding another own in making her moan my name. I comtinued my movents until she reached her climax.

I moved my fingers out of her and licked it.

"thank you. " I heard her wisper. I just smiled baci at her.

"did you like it?" I asked. she nodded in response before standing up.

"where are you going?"I asked.

"to take a to join me?" she smiled sweetly. she wants round two.

"yeah sure."I said making my way towards her. I pickedher up bridal styleand carried her to the bathroom.

Mr and Mrs Bieber-sequel (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now