It Felt Real...

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I came up with this story from my past experience...


"Nee...Noctis, Prompto, Gladio, Ignis..."
The four of them looked up from their activities, attention turned to you immediately.

"Nani? (Y/n) do you need something?" It was Prompto his cheerful voice never falter.

"Do you need any assistance (Y/n)?"
Ignis, pushing his glasses up eyes focused on you.

"Need help to carry something?"
Gladio grinned from inside the tent, packing up some supplies that need to be packed.

"Do you want to go fishing?" Noctis asked looking up from his fishing magazine.

You gazed at all of them, observing all their features and smiled while shaking your head at their questions.
Noctis gave a look that says 'Go on.' 
You paused your words, a sad smile adorning your face.
"(Y/n)…?" Prompto's voice was now full of concern.
"What is it?" Gladio prompt you to go on your words, while Ignis just waiting patiently on you.

"Thank you..."

That words slipped out from your mouth, you smiled a genuine smile. All of them looked at each other questioning what you had said that for.

"Uhmm….for what (Y/n)?" Prompto's curious voice break the silence between them all.

You couldn't say the truth because you weren't ready for their reactions. The truth is, they were all fictionals and you played as them in Final Fantasy XV.

When you were sick, 1 month without going to school THEY accompanied you. Well...not literally accompanied…but it was the only thing that you do when you were sick. You wanted to say those words because they cheered you up when you couldn't do anything beside laying on your bed and watching tv and now it was a good time to say it.

"Just wanted to say thank you for the company and how nice you all are."
Prompto chuckled he gave a closed eyes smile at you.

Noctis smiled while closing the magazine.
"it's no big deal (Y/n)..."

"It is a big deal!"
You remarked at Noctis responds.

Gladio chuckled while shaking his head.
"Doing good deeds are our expertise."

Ignis smiled while closing his eyes.
"It was a pleasure."

"Thank you very much again...!"
They all laughed at your reaction, you spread your arms wide enough to make a hug.

But all good things will come to an end...

Prompto spread his arms too but hesitated so you went on to hug him, Prompto hug you as if you would be gone forever. Soon the others followed suit hugging each other and you.You all made a group hug.

"You are always welcome to join us...(Y/n)."
Noctis squeezed you from the hug a bit hard but you knew it was a gesture that Noctis appreciate your company and as if he knew that this moment couldn't last for long.


You woke up from your sleep when your mother started calling you for bath, the screen on the tv showed Final Fantasy XV in Pause mode. You unpaused it and saw that all the characters, Noctis, Prompto, Gladio, Ignis were smiling through the screen, their haven camp place was just like what you saw in your dream.

"It's weird…yet it's awesome.."

You said between your surprised expression, soon the characters went on their own activities.
You picked up the Final Fantasy XV disc and stared at it for seconds.
Soon, you stared at the tv screen and smiled.

"It was fun while it lasted..."


Final Fantasy XV x Reader (very short/Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now