[9] Movement Pt. 2

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I barely slept last night, I was very anxious, and I have no idea why. Maybe it was because I was worried? I'm not sure, but ever since I knew Jungkook would be coming next, it has made me feel a bit off. Why? I don't know him well yet, but I'm worried?

I looked at the clock, and it was already 9 A.M. It seemed I spent all night just thinking about it. I wonder at what time they'll get here? As I thought that, I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in" I said as the door slowly opened. "Hi Hyun Jae! Good to see you!" "Hi Taehyung!" I said as I waved at him. Jungkook was no where to be seen. "And Jungkook?" I asked curiously.

Taehyung's expression changed. He looked at me in the eyes with a serious face. "I'm gonna be completely honest with you, but, before that, I would just like to apologize. I tried, we all did, but Jungkook would not agree to come. We can barely get him to speak, and it has been very difficult for him. I hope you understand."

"I understand." I told him quietly. "But let me tell you one thing Taehyung." I said in a more serious tone. "Whether Jungkook likes it or not, he will have to face me soon. I know he cares for me, a lot, but please, he needs to understand that this is a process, a process that we can face together, that we can conquer together."

"I can try talking to him once more, but I can't make any promises. This is a very difficult situation not only for him, but for all of us."

"I know, it's difficult for me too. I just wish I could remember everything, but it isn't that simple. Anyway, we should get going, rehab starts in 10 minutes." I said as I realized it was 11:50 A.M already. Were we really talking for that long?

Taehyung grabbed the wheelchair, carried me and set me on it. We headed out the door and to the rehab center without saying a word.

"Hi Hyun Jae! I see Taehyung is here! Wasn't there gonna be two of you guys today?"

Before I could speak, Taehyung responded quickly. "Jungkook couldn't make it, but no need to fear! Taehyung is here!" I could tell Taehyung was trying to cheer me up, and it worked, and it seemed to have made the doctor laugh as well.

"Well that's ok, we'll make this work! Well then, shall we get started?" We both nodded and began.

I did it. Finally. It is now 2 and a half hours past when my rehab should have ended, but, it was worth it. I can move my whole body now. I will be able to walk, run, and admire the sunshine soon.

"Congragulations Hyun Jae! You have worked so hard for this, and have now regained mobility of your body in such a small span of time! We are all very proud of you!" The doctor said enthusiastically.

Taehyung was happy too. You could tell with that smile on his face. "I'm so proud of you Hyun Jae! I can't wait to get home and tell the others! They will all be so proud and happy!"

I smiled. "Thanks Tae! It's all thanks to you guys for helping me through this. It has been fun so far getting to know all of you again. I'm looking forward to the many adventures to come!"

"Wow.. wow! You called me Tae! It's been so long since I heard you call me that!" Taehyung said as he hugged me.

"Tomorrow, we will begin to help you learn how to walk again. You will need one person to help you, so any of you would be great to come help!" The doctor said looking at Taehyung.

"We will discuss it tonight, but I'm sure everyone will be excited to!" Taehyung said smiling

We waved goodbye to the doctor, and left the rehab room, heading back to the room. I can't believe tomorrow I will be learning to walk again!

We made it back, and Tae carried me and laid me down on the bed. "It's very late now." I told him. "Yeah, I should probably get going."

"Wait! Before you go.." I told Tae as he was getting up. "Yes?" He said curiously. "Give this to Jungkook. It's a letter I wrote during my break in rehab, please make sure he reads it."

Taehyung smiled. "I'll make him read it even if I have to tickle him to death! Goodnight Hyun Jae!" "Goodnight!" Tae gave me a big hug and we both waved goodbye. I hope everything works out well.

I closed my eyes and went to sleep, eagerly waiting for the following day, excited to finally embrace the sunshine.

Hyun Jae's Letter

Dear Jungkook,
Thank you for the letter you gave me a while back ago, I really appreciate what you said. I would like it if you would come see me tomorrow, there's something I would like to tell you.

Hyun Jae

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