Chapter One

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Hi, I'm Britney Wilson. I'm 14 years old and a freshman in high school at Quartz Rock High. Today's my first day... I'm scared but super excited!! I saw like 10 cute guys in summer school, I took it for health so I didn't have to be in a class all semester learning about sex and reproduction.... I'd rather learn on a computer than hear it in a class with 20 immature boys laughing at the word vagina.
Anyway, I doubt any of the boys I saw in summer school would date me, they're all like juniors and well, I'm barely even a "freshie". But I have 6 classes to meet some cute guys, and I'm sooooo here for it! Oh, and getting an education... ya no, that sounded weird just saying it in my head. I hate school but I mean, dances, guys, friends, and other cool stuff about high school seems pretty fun! Just not the learning part.
      Oh shit! It's already 6:20! Still gotta shower, do my hair and makeup, and pick out my outfit! Oh shit... and eat!! I better get a-
"Brit! Are you awake? It's already 6:30!"
"Yes mom! Hopping in the shower now!"
"Okay you better hurry! Don't want to be late on your first day!"

      As I hopped in the shower, I thought bout what I'd wear in advance. Something I wouldn't get dress coded in, but cute enough to make me feel... cute! After I finished washing up, turned off the shower and grabbed my towel from the squeaky rack it was hanging on. I dried off then got out. I grabbed my hairdryer, towel still wrapped around my body and started drying my mid chest length dirty blonde hair. After I was done doing that I went to my room and tried to decide what I wanted to wear. Hmm... I could go with the pink knitted crop top, but it's a bit short and I don't want to get in trouble the first day, so I think I'll go with the military green, also knitted (but longer) button down crop top and some light ripped jean shorts.
After I was done getting ready, I exited my room and ran out to the kitchen. My mom had already made me French toast and had butter, syrup, and powdered sugar sitting out on the counter for me. I look over at her cooking on the stove in our small apartment kitchen with a sympathetic face, "I love you so much you know me all too well," I said to her flashing a warm smile. "Well you've been my daughter for 14 years, I sure would hope so," she said with a chuckle. I laughed and scarfed down what she had made me, my moms always been a great cook, and don't get me started on her baking! DELICIOUS!

-At school-

      As I approached the gates that seemed ginormous that led into my school. I already felt the butterflies gathering in my stomach. Anxiety, will you just leave me alone? It's the first day of my high school life. It's gonna be incredible!... I hope...
     It was 7:00 and the bell rings to go to first period at 7:15. Barely enough tine to find my best friend, but it'll have to do. I've known my best friend Clyde since 5th grade. We've always had a special connection with each other and whenever we hangout it's always a good time.
      I pull out my phone to text him and ask where he is. This school is separated by "quads" 100, 200, 300, 400, and then "village" which is way out on the opposite end of the school. EVERYONE hates walking there according to my best friend who's a sophomore. Luckily most freshman don't get village classes.
*texts between Brit and Clyde*
B: hey wya I'm here!!
C: omg yay it's been a minute I'm in 200 quad!
B: okay I'm Omw I've missed you bsf!
C: I've missed you too bsf hurry up bell is gonna ring in 10 minutes:)
B: okie I'm almost there see ya in a minute
*end of texts*

     As I approach the 200 quad where my best friend is located, I see a girl and a guy with him. The girl is tall and pretty with dirty blonde hair. The guy is medium height and had light brown hair. And of course my best friend is standing there, around 5'8 and has brown hair with a blonde highlight in the front of his little swoosh he has going on. I swear that kid can pull off any hairstyle.
"BEST FRIEND!!!" I shout from across the quad.
"OH MY GOD BRIT!" He shouts back. We run up to each other like a couple reuniting in a overly dramatic love film. We hug for about 5 seconds till we realize everyone is awkwardly staring at us. Everyone always thinks we're a thing but we honestly just super close and people always have the assumption that a girl and a guy can't be best friends without there being a relationship; The tall pretty girl with dirty blonde hair walks up and introduces herself. "Hi, I'm Cassie, Clyde's friend, what's your name?" She says politely. "Hi Cassie I'm Britney as I'm sure you heard Clyde screaming from across the quad," I joke. She chuckles flashing a smile. "Hey I'm Ryan, also Clyde's friend," he says awkwardly but also politely. "Nice to meet you Ryan,"  I say back.
      The bell rings, so I ask my best friend where the 100 quad is since that's my first class. He points me in the direction and tells me to meet him at the snack bar when snack time rolls around. I agree and head on my way.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2018 ⏰

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