The Letters That Shocked 1D!

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Liam’s POV

“Hey, guys come down there’s some letters for us” I shouted up the stairs to encourage my lazy band mates out of their rooms.

I heard there sluggish steps coming down the stairs and along the hallway.

“This better be important” Harry groaned.

“Just sit down and listen this is important” I replied as they all took a seat across from me.

“Okay what’s up?” Zayn asked.

“We received these letters this morning and I think you guys should hear this and then we can each read our individual ones” I said sliding each of their letters towards them, “The thing that scares me is that I recognize the name” I sighed.

“Okay let’s hear this letter then” Niall said.

“Okay here goes, Dear One Direction, Hey guys I really hope you get this as it would mean so much to me to know that you knew how much you have helped me through in this past year and a bit.

Anyway, my name is Louise Williams and I am a huge One Direction fan (100% Directioner) I mean my life pretty much revolves around your music and you in general. You are like my inspiration to keep going on and live my dream no matter how many surprises I might get on my way.

I’ve just recently (January 14th) I seen you on your first tour, I was way at the back but I could still tell you were perfection and your amazing personality’s bounced around the room. I cried twice while I was there, first when you first came on the stage and then second when you sang torn. If you’re wondering why I cried the explanation is pretty simple. I cried when you came on because I was overwhelmed (unfortunately no one had flipped their hair. Yet) that I was seeing the people who got me through so much live and then I cried at torn because you won’t believe how incredibly proud I am of you (From Torn to Tour) and to top that off you’ve just been nominated for a BRIT which I’ve lost count of how many accounts I have just to vote for you more than once. OKAY CORRECTION YOU WON A BRIT SO PROUD OF YOU BOYS.

Well, anyway you’re probably thinking that I keep mentioning that you’ve helped me but not said how, well that’s what im going to do now. lately my life hasn’t exactly been perfect and fate keeps chucking bad luck my way meaning you probably won’t even read thisL, anyway I have a certain coping method and that is self-harming I have so many scars and they just keep growing but ever since September when you released your first single I would have a smile on my face whenever I listened to it or the video came on. Then the second single and the album came along making my smile grow more and then to top it off a tour which fate decided to be kind enough to get me tickets for. This all made me happier but didn’t stop me. Although now every time I want to do it I don’t reach for that knife I reach for my laptop to listen to your music and watch your videos which can always make me laugh, smile and sometimes cry (Harry) Your like my cure, you guys are fixing me and you don’t even know it.

Most of the time my friend jab at me because of my music taste and my dedication towards you they always call me an obsessed freak, I try to blank them but sometimes it doesn’t work and they just keep going and it pains me because they don’t realise how much I need you.

I have two mottos in life, one is “Im not obsessed I’m just simply dedicated” and the other is “One Direction bands cover my wrists but One Direction are also helping heal the scars beneath”

I know this will most likely happen on the day pigs fly but I wish for that day I can meet you so I can thank you all face to face for all you have done and tell you how much you mean to me and I know this sounds sad but it’s a lot but I’m going to face you with the harsh reality that im also scared if I do meet you and there’s two reasons for this. Reason 1 is I’ve heard about your rate game weather its true or not I don’t know but if it is I know in an instant I will be a 0 and I couldn’t face it knowing that you guys see me that way. Reason 2 is I got in enough trouble with my family just for getting to see you live I don’t know what would happen if I got to meet you I’d probably be killed before I got there.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2012 ⏰

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