Chapter 9

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Havok slowly got to his feet only to be pushed into the wall, still dazed from the first attack he couldn’t defend himself at all. Then suddenly he didn’t want to, in front of him stood Paiton, his Paiton, seeing her broke through the madness that had taken hold of his mind. What he failed to notice though was that she didn’t recognize him, she prepared to burn him to ashes but he quickly pulled her into an embrace. Paiton looked down at him in confusion and scowled at him. Havok didn’t notice as she slowly started to freeze him, all he could think was that she was alive and they could be together again, or at least that’s what he was thinking until he realized he was completely numb.

            “Paiton?” He looked at her cautiously and saw he give him a cold look. “W- what are y-you doing?”

            “Following orders.” She hissed.

            Havok tried to back away but felt an even colder feeling cut through the numbness, looking down he saw a blade of ice sticking out of his chest. Paiton backed away and Havok staggered a few steps before collapsing on the ground, she watched him gasp for breath as he slowly gave into the cold and blood loss. What she got confused about was why the last look he gave her was one of hurt and… love. Something at the back of her mind was telling her to help him but she ignored it, Stryker had given the command to kill the intruders and she would follow them.

            A loud clang sounded and Paiton turned to watch as Cyclops dealt with the other intruder. Her leg was now trapped under a metal beam and Cyclops was getting closer to finish her off, the woman held up her hand and the beam flew through the air and hit Cyclops into a wall. Paiton ran over to help but the woman turned to face her and held up her other hand. She struggled to get free of the invisible force holding her and attack but found that no matter how hard she tried nothing was working, the woman threw her into the wall as well and suddenly everything went black.

            Jean got up and leaned against some type of machine so she could support her weight, Cyclops started to get up and she cautiously looked at him. He saw her and she prepared to attack but he held up his hands in surrender before running over and embracing her in a hug.

            “Jean, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.” Cyclops told her.

            “It’s okay, that wasn’t you. I’m fine.”

            Cyclops gave her a look that she could only picture in her mind due to his visor. “No you’re not. Your leg is hurt.”

            “It’s fine.”

            Cyclops gave her a doubtful look but then his eyes trailed over to where his brother lay motionless on the floor with blood covering him. Jean followed his gaze and started to run towards him, she stumbled and Cyclops wrapped his arm around her to keep her from falling. Together they made their way to Havok’s body, Cyclops looked at the ice sticking out of his chest and hesitantly pulled it out. Havok let out a scream and his eyes flickered open for a second before closing again.

            Paiton heard a scream and slowly got to her feet, looking over to her teammates she noticed someone on the ground. “No…”

            She ran over and the others turned around, when they noticed she was back to normal they moved out of the way.

            “Will he be okay?” Paiton asked.

            “I’m not sure… I think you missed his heart and lungs but…” Cyclops trailed off.

            “But what?”

            “… You froze him. Right now his entire system is frozen and shutting down.” Cyclops looked at his brother. “He’s dying.”

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