Chapter Seven

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Bzzzzzh. Bzzzzzh. Bzzzzzh. 

I slowly regained conciousness, temples throbbing, tongue feeling swollen and thick in my mouth as I licked my lips. My entire body felt sore, but especially my pounding head. 

How much did I drink last night? 

Bzzzzh. Bzzzzh. 

I stifled a groan, feeling my phone vibrating in my pocket. Just what I needed, to wake up from one of the deepest and dreamless sleeps I'd ever had. I must have forgotten to set my phone on ring.

Thank god I was an abnormally light sleeper and the vibrations were enough to wake me.

I couldn't find the energy to move, surprised at how heavy my arms felt as I struggled to reach into my pocket. As my fingers fumbled around under the covers, my other hand flung out to the side, but it didn't land on the cool, unruffled sheets I was expecting. 

 It landed on something warm and hard.

Another person. In my bed.

There was another person sleeping in my bed. 

Shit!, I froze, an automatic reflex, as I stared at the back of whoever's head it was. A boy, that much I could guess. Shit, shit, shit. 

I scooted closer, daring to lean some of my weight on the stranger as my eyes adjusted to the sunlight streaming through the open window. It was Connor. 

"Fuck!" I wanted to screech, but my ragged, sore throat could only manage a whisper. I nearly leaped out of my skin, scrambling far back in the sheets. 

As soon as I recognized him, a montage of blurry memories flooded my vision and rendered me speechless. We were in his hotel room, he was adorably disgruntled and blackout drunk- he was leaning into my shoulder and choking back sobs- my lips were on his- grinding onto his...

Holy shit. 

I struggled to calm my breathing, stilling on the bed so as not to further disturb him. He couldn't wake up yet. Not until I figured out what to do. 

Glancing around, I found my wallet sprawled open on the floor by the bed. I must have knocked it down in my... haste. Pocketing it, I yanked out my phone, unable to monitor the sound of Connor's breathing over the pounding of my racing heart.


It wasn't good enough news to still my pulse, but it was sufficient to clear my mind. Today was the big day, the one I had been planning for months, down to the last second. June 26th.

Thankfully my small "business" meeting with Tyler, to rehearse our stage interview, wasn't scheduled until 9. I had time to get ready, to take a shower maybe...

I looked around wildly for my shoes, blushing fiercely when I found them tangled up under my side of the bed. My side? I shook my head, snatching them angrily and lacing them up- my socks were still on, at least. 

I reached down to my legs. Shoes, check. Pants, check. Shirt, wallet, mobile phone, check.

I started towards the door, excusing my behavior with the fact that it was the official announcement day of TRXYE. I ignored the stone in my stomach, the way my lips tingled at the memories racing through my mind, the guilt that seemed to press down on my chest...


The scratchy, timid voice piped up from the bed behind me. 

I could've ignored it, I guess. 

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