Hold Hands: You got a fever!

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"She's late" Elijah said. 'It was supposed to be that Aho's turn to cook, but since she's late from work, I had to cook. I decided to make Sukiyaki since it was cold because it's snowing outside, so a hot soup would be perfect for this event.' Said in his thoughts while finishing up the last ingredient.

"I'm late". Acey realizing that she's not going to be home to eat together with her partner. After taking the bus and walking, Acey got her keys and opened the door to their house. "I'm home" she yelled. She starred at the hallway with light coming from the dining area pass the living room. 'Huh, no response. Guess his asleep since it is 2 am.' She said in her thoughts.

Acey removed her scarf, mask, gloves and her big jacket while walking up to the dining table. She saw a pot and a note. "Eat up. I made sukiyaki". Acey sighed. 'It was supposed to be my turn to cook.' She felt sorry because she feels like she's not doing her job anymore in the house and it's always Elijah.

After eating, she showered. She was fast since she really just want to sleep at this point. She has been working 5 nights straight and it's really exhausting her because she doesn't get any sleep and the fact that she has to go through all that snow is hard.

She walked up to their bedroom with her towel on her shoulder, hair dried up as she hair blowed it, her big T-shirt and shorty shorts for pajamas. She saw Elijah's back, tucked in with their thick blanket. She then lift up the blanket and put her body on the bed and snuggled Elijah. Elijah felt Acey's hand and movement so he woke up. He turned to Acey's face whose knocked out sleeping. She really needed it. He then touched her cheek and lifted up her bangs. 'You should really stop overworking aho, you got really bad eye bags and you should really cut your bangs.' He thought. But while he was touching her, he felt heat. Like really hot heat coming from Acey. He was shock. "OI AHO! YOU HAVE A FEVER!" He screamed at Acey. Acey woke up from the loud scream.

Elijah then grabbed the thermometer and blankets to let her body sweat. "Ahh, Kechi I just want to sleep.." Acey said as she begins to drift off and her eyes slowly closing one by one. "Be quiet aho! You got a fever from overworking so much from that stupid studio, all that snow and teaching other kids to fight!" Said Elijah practically screaming at her. "Hnn, my editor threatened me that If I don't get my part done, Im not going to get my salary next week if i don't do it, and the kids at judo kept kicking and punching me while I wasn't paying attention." She said weakly and with her eyes closed. "So you're getting bullied now!?" Said the Elijah who's really mad at this point. Acey nodded then Elijah smacked her at the head.

It was now morning, and Elijah was preparing porridge for Acey. He has to go to work soon so Elijah grabs some medicine, glass of water, and a note saying 'Drink this every 4 hours Aho.' And puts them on the side table, next to Acey who's knocked out sleeping.

While Elijah was changing his clothes he noticed Acey changed her position and that he can see her right arm bruised. He was mad.

Acey's phone rang all of a sudden and that woke up Acey. "Ahh, good morning Jachan." "Go back to sleep, Atsu." Said Elijah with an annoyed voice. "Ahh I can't, they need me in judo because 2 of the instructors are not there today and after that i have to go to the stu-". Elijah suddenly cuts her off. "I said go back to sleep and get some rest. You need to catch up with your sleep. All you need is on the table beside you and the porridge I made for you. Make sure you heat it up." Elijah said as he goes through Acey's phone. "Kechi, they need me there. They're probably texting me right now." Acey said as she questioned in her thoughts 'Wait why do you have my phone?'.

"Shut up aho! You're staying home for the day- that's it!" Yelling at Acey. "Hnn, ok fine."

It took 2 days for Acey to cool down for a bit. "There you're getting better" said Elijah with a cold but relieved voice. "Thank you jachan".

It's been a long time since they kissed and snuggled together, so that's what Acey did while she was wearing a mask. She pulled Elijah towards her height and she went for it. But when she realized that Elijah can still catch her sickness she pushed Elijah. Elijah wearing a mask too, just starred at her. "OI AHO! IM TRYING SO HARD NOT TO DO THINGS TO YOU, BUT YOU DECIDED TO DO IT ALL OF SUDDEN!!" Elijah screaming at her. "IM SORRY JACHAN I WASN'T THINKING."

"Ahhhh, i feel so much better now, thank you jachan." Acey stretching. "Be quiet aho, if you get sick again I'm not taking care of you." Elijah said coldly. "Whatever ya say kechi. Whenever you get sick Ill always be there to take care of you." Acey said smiling and calmly while hugging Elijah at the back. "Heh, how can you possibly do that, if you can't even take care of yourself because you're so busy!" Elijah said as he smirks and smacks Acey. "Hehh! Kechi!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2018 ⏰

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