It was the middle of the night, and I heard some glass break. Someone had gotten into the house, but there was no one in with us. Coral was just fine, and so was Haylie. We were all too stressed to go back to sleep, so we looked through the house. I looked on the couch, and there was a brick, which read: "Hey umm don't talk to me. I really need to be alone." It was signed by Emilee. When Haylie and Coral saw it, they both began to feel upset, and I was filled with rage. I got into my new mobile home, and then Haylie and Coral got in too. We drove off, and were unsure of where to go, but we got to Branson Missouri, and we stopped for the rest of the night to get some sleep. When we woke up, we ate breakfast at Sonic, and then we got back on the road. We got to Nebraska, and wanted to stop for a while. We were far off from everyone else, and so I went for a walk, and Haylie was walking next to Coral, while they walked behind me. I had never been to this part of Nebraska before, so it was unknown to me. I decided to continue exploring for a while, and said "Nebraska is a nice place."
The Revival
ActionWhen my dad and I are killed on a normal day, my friends gathered up some of my things and bring me back to life. Now with a thirst for revenge, I want to find who killed me, and bring them to justice for also killing my dad Chapter 1 takes place...