Chapter One

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"Wake up Darkkit, are you gong to sleep forever?"

"Wuzzat? Whos there?" A Black tom named Darkkit opened his eyes sleepily and imminently wished he hadn't. The sun pouring beneath the leafy green trees had hurt his eyes and he quickly hurried his head back into his moss bed where he had been dreaming a lovley dream moments before.

"Stonekit." Darkkit muttered his voice muffeled "Its to early to be awake."

"Getting old now are we darky?"

"Go away! I need to sleeeeep."

"If you say so." The gray kit muttered and padded away muttering something that sounded horribly like "my brother is as lazy as a hedgehog.

"Peace at last" Darkkit thought to himself. And tried to remember his dream for the second time that morning.

But he couldn't. It was like trying to catch dew drops on a sunny morning. frantically racketing his brain for pieces of it. It involved A she cat, he was sure of it. Was it foxkit? But the dream was gone. Melted away like a cobweb.

Finally, admitting defeat Darkkit opened his eyes and squinted in the early sunlight. Looking around, he was the only one in the nursrey, apart from his littermate Olivekit, who was still sleeping.

After an unsuccessful attempt to shake moss and groom his bedfur of twigs he crept out of the nursery carful not to wake Olivekit.

After a few moments his eyes adjusted to the light and he saw Stonekit tossing a mossball to Mousekit. Hey gu- he started to say but broke off with a cough.

"Darkkit" Bayspirit meowed narrowing her eyes. "Why are you coughing?"

"I dont know." he replied truthfully.

"You had better not of eaten that crow food bird you found. That coughing had better not of been a swallowed feather...."

"Im not mouse brained enough to eat that. Talk to Olivekit." He retorted my temper rising. "Because I saw her take a bite."

"I'll take your word for it this time." She muttered and vanished back into the nursery to scold Olivekit.

"Good" he muttered. He stood there for a moment brooding on the fact that someone thought he was mouse brained enough for eat crow food until


A wet mossball at smacked against his head. He leaped foolishly on the spot to look for the culprit. But they weren't that hard to find. Several fox lengths away Mousekit and Stonekit were howling with laughter.

"Guys" Darkkit meowed anger bubbling inside him."That wasn't funny. What if you hit me in the eye?"

"Then it would be funnier" chortled Stonekit

"No it wouldn't you coul-" he broke of mid sentance coughing no less than 4 times.

"Sorry" he muttered and pretended that his coughing spasm was just a dream. But to his horror, Mousekit was staring at him and Stonekit made a rather rude paw gesture with his claw

"YOU COUGHED ON ME. GROSS." He screamed like a she cat and jumped into a stream to wash off an invisible cough.

Smiling to himself and talking to no one in particular

"Maybe today wont be so bad after all.

A tap on his shoulder interrupted his thoughts.

"Hi -cough- Oakpaw."

Darkkit liked Oakpaw. He was smart and Funny. But he also made Darkkit sad sometimes because he reminded him of his dead littermate Oakkit.

"I heard you coughing, would you like some...." His voice trailed off.

"Would you like some whatever-Ashleap-tells-you-to-eat?" He finished smiling.

Darkkit concluded that since he had only been the medicine cat apprentice four sunrises ago, he did not yet know how to treat coughs.without Ashleaps help.

Darkkit had never been inside the medicine cats den before and was suprised at all the the colours and scents.

"Coughs?" Asked Ashleap who was at the back of the den. Her grey coat of fur blended in so well in the rock, that if she hadn't of Spoken, he doubted he would have even noticed her.

"Try feverfew. Well low on cough herbs and even though its designed for fevers, it helps coughs too."

"Do I just um eat it or?"

"Yes, just eat the leaf and leave I'm very busy at the moment. And then she went back to mixing herbs

Eating the leaf, his tongue surprised at the flavour, he felt his throat clear and feel better.

"Thanks" he called to Oakpaw and Ashleap.

It was a beautiful day, the sun had risen and the sky was a forget-me-not blue.

"Maybe today wont be so bad." He said to no one in particular, for the second time that day.

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