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So, this one was supposed to be the opening scene to chapter 22: LIABILITY, but I wrote it on the bus back from work on my notes app and never really finished it, and then I forgot it existed until after I'd written Caroline's scene. After that, I felt like it wouldn't actually fit the flow of the chapter properly, and it'd read odd to jump time from Damon leaving her to back to the night before and Caroline overhearing them.

Also, while I understand, but don't approve, where Damon's coming from and his inner conflict, I think opening this chapter with this scene and finishing it how it ended would have gotten Damon even less points with you guys, so I cut it completely. It laid in wait for years until I found it again recently and since I have no idea when I'll be able to post a new chapter for Dark Side, I finished writing it on my flight back home.

I was planning on posting this book once I finished Dark Side and to carry you over until Dark Inside was ready to post, but life's funny that way I suppose.

Even if it didn't make it into the book, I do consider this scene canon still, except for two minute details which are Damon referring to the Gilbert barbecue as having been the day before (it was actually two days before) and him not knowing she was a hunter, because when I wrote it I didn't have when he'd find out set in stone. Cassandra still leaves right after he does, and still talks to Caroline as you've read on Dark Side. Basically, by the time Damon's come back, she's gone.

This scene was actually referenced by Cass on The Dinner Party Part III, btw. And I feel like it may have some mixed reactions but... oh well... enjoy, or maybe not! xx


Stepping as quietly as possible, Damon walks around the bed.

Cassandra shifts. He halts by the foot of the bed, hand raised to fix his collar, but all she does is hold the pillow closer. Laid on her front, the sheets tucked up to her chin, she's practically swallowed by the bed.

Damon fights a smile, watching the hair over her face flutter with every small exhale. He reaches over before he can think about it, more instinct than thought, and brushes the hair off her face, fingers lingering against her cheek. Damon's thumb brushes her cheekbone, featherlight, traces the freckles scattered there. Cassandra's so beautiful when she sleeps, with her pouty mouth and that tiny crease between her eyebrows.

"Are you watching me sleep?"

Damon snatches his hand back so fast he almost slaps his chest. Aside from the sleep-heavy mumble, she doesn't move, doesn't even open her eyes. Damon wills his heart to slow, quelling the panic that rose at getting caught. He lowers himself onto the bed by her knee, resting his hands on either side of her on the mattress.

"Good morning." He sing-songs.

Rather play it light than answer that question.

Cassandra whines in protest. She buries her face into the pillow before rolling onto her back. Her shoulder presses to Damon's wrist. He doesn't move away. She peers at him under her lashes, hand dragging down her face.


Cassandra stretches both arms over her head. The bedsheet slips down her chest as her back arches. Damon can't help but steal a glance, trailing the outline of her breasts with his eyes. Desire begins to stir deep within him and he regrets not having pushed his meeting with Carol an hour or two. Who knows when she'll let him touch her again? He should've made the most of it.

Cassandra lowers her arms and one of her hands lands on his knee, the other on his arm. It's an absentminded gesture, almost second nature, like he's been waking her up every morning for years. The fantasy is nice.

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