Part 1

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Y/N: "Welp I'm in Ozpin's office because Ruby dragged me here, honestly I'm surprised I didn't turn into dust." I talked to Ozpin and he made me join. He's a evil man when he wants to be.

Damion and Bravery: "Indeed he is my friend"

Y/N: "Awww get out of my head Damion. Only Bravery can be in there because he's stuck in there." 

Damion: "Who said I was inside your head? Cause I'm not idiot. Never can, never want to, and never will." 

Y/N: punches Damion out of shock  "AHHH! WHERE'D YOU COME FROM MONSTER?! Oh, hey Damion, how are you doing?" Damion stares at you intensely  "Hey! You know that creeps me out... Wait, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! RUNNNNNNNNN!!!!" You run as fast as you can while Damion chases you 

Ozpin: sighs  "They'll never change. GLYNDA!!! They did it again. Glynda? Oh HELLLLL NAW!!!" Ozpin runs while Glynda chases him.

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