Before It All..

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 "Hello? Is anyone there?" I called out into the darkness. A heard a creek down the hallway as I peeked around my bedroom door. "H-Hello?" I had a bad feeling about whoever or whatever was there. "P-Please don't hurt me.." I said, tears welling up in my eyes. My unnaturally red hair was a frizzy mess due to the humidity outside, even if it was 2:00am. Suddenly, I felt a presence in front of me, a hot breath showering down upon the top of my head. I whimpered, slowly looking up. "Don't worry, it won't hurt. Much." A heard a chuckle as I was picked up and thrown across the room onto my bed. I squealed, before a hand covered my mouth to keep me from screaming out. "Sh, child. Your safe with me." My nightlight next to my bed shone on the man's face.

 His raggedy hair was long and black, tickling my cheeks as he looked into my bright emerald eyes. His face was white as a sheet, light grey lips stretched across his face with the corners cut up, dried blood marking the edges. Black rimed eyes with nearly white iris' bore deep into mine. He wore a blood stained white hoodie and black faded jeans. He stood over my body, causing me to shiver. "W-who are you?" I mumbled around his hand, tasting a bit of blood. "I? I am Jeff. Jeff the Killer." He said, smiling wide, his pale yellow teeth glimmering in the soft lighting of my room.

 He pulled out a bloody cloth, tying it around my mouth. "Now.. to get off these hideous clothes.." He grinned, seeing my frightened eyes widen. He yanked off my shorts, taking my underwear with them. I whimpered, my legs twitching with discomfort. He eyed me, crawling onto me. Being 15, I was quite scared of him raping me. He sat on me, his face close to mine. "Your eyes are very pretty." He said, smirking as he ripped my purple tee from me, revealing my bra. I yelped, wrapping my arms around my chest. "Tsk tsk, that won't do!" He grabbed a few more cloths from his hoodie pocket, grabbing my arms and tying them behind my back.

 After tying my legs and unhooking my bra, he gazed at me, my face tomato red. "I think.. I'll keep one of your eyes as a souvenir. He crawled over me, straddling me. Jeff pulled out his knife, which gleamed in the light. "Keep still." He whispered into my ear. Grabbing my head, he pushed it back. After a long hour of pain and squirming, Jeff leaned back, holding his prize. My eye socket bled, the pain numb. Cuts marked my cheeks, legs, arms, and chest. I bled horribly, shaking and sweating out of fear and blood loss. "You've been a good girl." He patted my thigh, kissing my right cheek.

I flinched, my left eye darting around his dark figure. "I'm going to take you with me. You seem, worthy." He untied me and threw my pajamas at me, crossing his arms as he leaned against my room door. "Well, get dressed!" He said, smirking at me as I stood up, trying to conceal my body. As I pulled my clothes back on, I looked at Jeff, still shaking. I looked in a mirror, seeing my pale body and bleeding eye socket. "Come on, I think you'll like where we're going." He smiled again, holding out his hand. "No hard feelings?" I growled at him, my mouth dry. "Fine, have it that way." His smile disappeared as he scooped me up, and opened my widow. "Let's fly!"

 He chuckled, jumping out my window. Running towards the dark forest, my eye started to droop. Soon we approached a group of boys, one I recognized as the famous Slender Man, the rest were unknown. A girl with long, thick black hair stood next to a guy who was messing with two others. Those two were conversing quietly, one wearing a mask who was facing my direction, the other wearing an old orange hoodie. Two bodies lay on the ground near the group, both watching the group silently.

The boy watched a tall man in a black hoodie, a mask covering the man's face. The boy's grey eyes fixed upon him with curiousity. Stitches lined his neck, his eft hand was burned. His cheek was cut up and his brown hair was a mess. He didn't seem pale, but I couldn't see very well in the darkness. We wore a baggy white shirt and blue basketball shorts. He had scratch marks on his inner left leg, dried blood dotting around the scratches. The girl had wavy brown hair, her blue eyes full of fear. She wore a blue sweater, dotted in blood, her stockings were torn, her boots scuffed and bloody. Her left eye was black and blue. She seemed to twitch every now and then, her eyes darting around.

 Jeff set me down near the two, both looking at Jeff with frightened looks. Jeff chuckled at us and walked away towards the group, a small girl in a bloody pink dress skipped towards him. She held a small bear, smiling around at the people gathered. After a few minutes they all looked towards us, curious. "Come on. Follow us." Slender led the way, his tenticales waving absently. A small boy in a green hat followed him, the little girl in the pink dress next to him. Jeff and the man with the blue masked pushed them forwards, following behind them.

 After an hour or two of treking, we came across a dark mansion, the windows a deep orange which lit up the tree's and grass surrounding the front yard. "What is this place?" The girl said, clinging to the arm of the boy with messy brown hair. "This," Said Jeff, placing a hand on my shoulder. I flinched, growling at him. "Don't touch me." I whispered, shaking him off. "Fiesty." He whispered in my ear, chuckling. "Come on inside, it'll be warm in there." Jeff led the way inside, showing us the sitting room.

 A girl with thick pink curls looked over at us, her light pink skin glittered in the firelight. A balloon tattoo was etched onto her chest, a white tanktop was covering in frosting. She held a tray of cupcakes, gazing at us. "Friends?" The little girl nodded, smiling at her. "We brought them, Pinkie." Jeff and the guy in the blue mask nodded. "Thought they could use a little help." Jeff said, winking at me. "Cupcake?" Pinkie said, extending the tray towards them. The boy refused, shaking his head. "S-sure." The girl said, picking up a blue one. "You?" She said towards me, I nodded, picking up a yellow one. Stuffing it down our throats, we were told to sit and feel at home, yet none of us did.

 After introducing themselves, Jack and Sally led away David and Heather. I was left alone with Jeff, Jane, and Toby. All of whom were staring at me. "W-what?" I said, my missing eye throbbed. "Here. Come with me. We'll share rooms." Jane said, grabbing my wrist and dragging my down a hall. "W-where are we going?" She led me down a long hall, passing many doors marked with initals and symbols. "My room, where else?" She said, her pale face glittering in the candle light. "O-okay." I said, shaking.

 Jane stopped, swinging open a door. In front of them was a bright room, the walls a deep grey. A bunk bed sat in the corner. "Sorry about the mess," Jane said, throwing a bundle of clothes onto a waste basket. "I forget to clean today." She laughed, throwing her hair back. "Ow.." I said, covering my empty eye socket with my hand. "Here.." She said, grabbing a long white cloth and wrapped it around my head. "That should help a bit anyway.." I sat down on the lower bunk, looking around. My cuts were dry and bloody, bruises lining the sides of my arms.

 "I- I need clothes." I said, looking at Jane. She smiled, her deep black eyes gleaming. "Ofcourse! You can borrow my clothes in the morning. Right now, you need rest." She laid me back and pulled the covers up, the first light of dawn seeping through the window. "Sleep. It'll be alright..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2014 ⏰

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