Will You Marry Me?

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AN:// Alright. Let me explain before we get started because I think you might get confused. So Jake explains to Charles how he plans the proposal. The parts where it's in "this writing" is how it then happens. Hope yall understand. Enjoy :)

Jake Peralta's P.O.V

"Must I really tell the plan now?" I whined while fixing my tie.

"Yes! If you waste another minute asking that, you might actually be late to this date proposal that by the way, you did not even tell me," Boyle answered clearly getting annoyed.

I let out a sigh.


Boyle's face lit up with excitement.

His eyes shone the way a kid's eyes would shine if he or she is getting an ice cream.

"Alright. So, as you may know, today is our-"

"2nd year anniversary of being a couple. Yeah, yeah I know that. Get to the point," Boyle said as he rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, I told her to wear something nice because I planned something for tonight. In 30 minutes, I will go pick her up and bring her to the top of the roof-"

I arrived at her apartment with shaking hands.

I knocked on her door and wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans.

The door opened wide revealing Amy Santiago in a red dress.

Revealing the most beautiful girl in the world.

"Wow. You look stunning," I said as I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

A blush appeared on Amy's cheeks making her look down.

"Thanks. You too, Peralta."

I let out my hand and said "Are you ready for the best night ever?"

She took my hand and answered "Always."

~car drive~

We finally arrived at the rooftop with street food in our hands.

"Where you both realized you love each other. Yes we know," Charles rudely interrupted me.

"Stop interrupting me! If you do know just sssshhhhh."

"Sorry. I can't help it. You guys are too sweet," Boyle said as I was slowly losing him to his fantasy world.

"Boyle! I don't have much time!" I said snapping my fingers in front of his face.

"Right. Right. Continue," Boyle replied apologetically.


Her beautiful laugh made me smile like an idiot.

We stayed like this for a while.

Just two people who are madly in love with each other, looking at the stars while telling each other stories and stuffing our mouth with street food.

"Get ready. I set up something special in 5 minutes," I said to Amy.

"Oh you didn't have to."

I gave Amy a look that said "yeah right" making her giggle.

"Fine. So what's the surprise?" Amy asked, anticipation filled her voice.

"Just wait. Look at the sky," I said as she leaned her head against my shoulder.

We waited for a few minutes.

"In 3, 2, 1," with every second, my heart started beating faster, scared that she might not like the surprise.

Fireworks started exploding in the sky.

Amy immediately stood up.

Her head slightly faced upwards.

Eyes focused on the fireworks and a wide smile plastered on her face.

I got ready and kneeled down on one knee hoping that Amy was still focused on the fireworks.

"It's spelling something," Amy said, eyes still locked at the fireworks.

"Will you marry me Amy Santiago?" She read out the fireworks, clearly confused.

She turned to her left with tears in her eyes.

I flashed a cheeky smile as I took out a small box from my suit pocket.

"Amy Santiago. From the day I laid my eyes on you, I thought to myself damn she's beautiful. After a few years getting to know you better and spending almost every single second with you, I started to develop new feelings for you. Feelings that I've never felt for somebody. When I had to go for that cool undercover mission, I couldn't live with myself if I died and you didn't know how I feel towards you. Knowing that you feel the same way about me is one of the best moments in my life. I love you. I love you so much Amy. I love everything about you. Your heart, your brain, your face, your ass. Sorry. But I do love your ass. Anyway, I don't want to drag this any longer so, Amy Santiago, will you marry me?"

"Yes! Yes oh my god go! Go marry the love of your life! Go get her girl!" Charles practically screamed in my ear as he pushed me out the door.

"Wish me luck Charles!" I yelled as I jogged down the steps, off to my car.

Off to go marry the love of my life.


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