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If there were two things that Izuku Midoriya would say that he didn't expect when he stepped foot into Yuuei, one answer he would give would be the hectic ride it had been so far.

From Villain attack to attacking the Villains, written and theoretical class to eventual Hero-course class, and internships to apprenticeships, he could safely say that he hadn't expected his first year to be such a string of events that grew more and more hectic each time he stepped foot out of the school that was now his home. Her knew that the Hero Course at Yuuei was the number one for a reason, but he certainly hadn't appreciated just how it had gotten that reputation until now.

The second answer would be romance. He hadn't entered Yuuei looking for a romance, but he'd found plenty of it happening both around him, and to him.

Briefly, he thought that he had a thing for his friend Uraraka, until he eventually came to the conclusion that he was just a mess around girls in general, and that one could probably put him in a room with any member of the direct opposite sex, and he'd end up as the flustered idiot that most of his class had of him for the first half of the year. Outside of himself though, many people seemed to be finding their respective romances with one another, connecting with their peers on a deeply emotional level. Momo Yaoyorozu and Itsuka Kendo were one such couple, and Kacchan and Uraraka ended up being another. There were other couples, even a few that ended up originating outside the school.

Hectic-ness and romance. If Izuku had to say which one he'd ended up with dealing with more, he would sigh.

And say both.

He couldn't even say for sure that he knew how it happened. It just sort of did, and he got dragged along for the ride, initially anyway. Of course, as time had gone on, he'd grown to fully embrace the madness that his life had become enveloped in, but he couldn't recall exactly how he'd been dragged into said insanity.

Really, all he fully remembered was that he had been training, as hard as he could, when it happened.

Izuku leapt from artificial cliff to artificial cliff, throwing out a series of kicks aimed at the targets set up betwixt said cliffs, trying to improve his accuracy. Just about everyone else in his class had left hours ago, retiring after exhaustion had caught up to them, and they had decided that they couldn't be any more prepared until they had gotten some rest.

Not him though. His new Shoot Style technique was very much in its infancy, and he had a long, long, long way to go before he could claim that it was anything close to ready. He was already behind on everyone else when it came to developing a 'Super Move', and he didn't want to fall behind any further.

There were only a few days to go before he and the others would find themselves at the Provisional Licence Examinations, and if he wanted to have any hopes at passing at all, he needed to be a thousand times more ready than he currently was. He counted himself lucky that Cementoss had left so many of his artificial cliffs up from the session a few hours ago – It left him with two great spots to practice site-to-site leaping.

Setting up a few targets made off the shattered rocks that had been scattered around during the days training, he found himself trying to land solid strikes on targets that were much smaller than was the standard Cementoss was making. It doubled as both good practice for getting used to Shoot Style, and as honing his precise targeting for it.

He still had a long way to go. But he was proud of the progress that he had been making. He took a moment when he was back at ground level to look at the pile of shattered and ground-up rocks that had previously been his targets, and felt a twinge or pride.

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