Dream... what exactly does dream mean....
Is it a thought...? or a wish..
It can change, or it can stay the same for a long time.
Sometimes dreams can be un realistic and.. nearly impossible.
But nothing is impossible if you keep working hard to achieve your dream.
Lots of people say that and sometimes it get annoying but its the truth.
You might think that nothing is working out half way through but you can't go back now.
You've come half way, going back will be the same distance as going forward.
Yes it might be easier to go back, but the outcome of going forward is better.
If you are going to decide to go back half way through, why did you start this journey?
You chose this path, don't chicken out now..
Others might succeed before you, as you watch them reach their dreams first.
Don't give up because of them, because you are you and you have your own pace.
Take your time and you will achieve the best.There's also another dream..
When you sleep.. pictures and visions that come to mind while youre body is asleep..
Your mind keeps working and dreaming, visualising.
But what you dream about..what does it all mean?
Is it a sign or is it all random stories your mind makes up..?
You have no control over anything..your mind takes over..while you sleep peacefully..
Or maybe you don't sleep peacefully..sometimes our dreams affect our sleep..
Usually bad dreams..called nightmares..
What exactly is a nightmare though?
It is also a dream..except it contains extreme fear, horror, distress, or anxiety..
This phenomenon tends to occur in the latter part of the night and often awakens you.. You are most likely to remember every part of the nightmare clearly..
Which also means you dont remember the dreams as clearly..
Sometimes we focus on the negative, even our minds do it while we sleep..
You can focuz on the negative, but with a positive mindset..
Wanting to perfect the negetive till it becomes a positive.
Positive things aren't perfect, but they make us feel satisfied.
They won't make everyone feel satisfied, just you and only you..
If it satisfies you.. it's no more negative, but positive~D d r e a m D
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